After you type rsint in the console, it waits for you to send a command in the same way that rawopint etc wait for the interval.
rsint -cont will use continuous mode (if set on camera), otherwise it uses quick. Commands at the rsint prompt are
s = shoot
l = shoot and quit (continuous mode can't quite without taking another shot)
q = quit
chdkptp is really a powerful tool …

Not sure if I made it correct. Can I use 's' only ones?
After the second shoot I got the following warning (in cont and quick)
WARNING: E:\CHDK\chdkptp-r723\lua\chdku.lua:1366: General Error
stack traceback:
E:\CHDK\chdkptp-r723\lua\chdku.lua:1366: in function 'capture_get_data'
E:\CHDK\chdkptp-r723\lua\rsint.lua:135: in function <E:\CHDK\chdkptp-r723\lua\rsint.lua:86>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
E:\CHDK\chdkptp-r723\lua\rsint.lua:259: in function <E:\CHDK\chdkptp-r723\lua\rsint.lua:152>
(...tail calls...)
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
E:\CHDK\chdkptp-r723\lua\cli.lua:285: in function 'execute'
E:\CHDK\chdkptp-r723\lua\cli.lua:400: in function 'run'
E:\CHDK\chdkptp-r723\lua\gui.lua:744: in function <E:\CHDK\chdkptp-r723\lua\gui.lua:744>ERROR: rsint failed
But what I see after first shoot was a current from 0,3A.
I made a second measurement with rawopint with an interval of 25s. Between the shoots, independent if I use cont or quick, I measured always 0,3A. Also, when I switch off display with Canon bottom, between the shoots I have always 0,3A.
Only when I use a simple interval script with single shoots (with Canon Disp Off), I got the 0,15A between the shoots.
I measured also the current of a shoot with 30s. The current was 0,28A while shooting and 0,23A with Canon Disp Off.