Quote from: reyalp on 19 / December / 2017, 21:15:55Make sure the dumper script is saved as plan text (ANSI in notepad) on the card as EXTEND.M (not EXTEND.M.TXT or something like that)If you already have CHDK on another camera, you can also use that to make a script disk, with the attached lua file. You need turn on "Enable Lua Native Calls" in the CHDK miscellaneous menu.After you prepare the card in your SX50, be sure to unlock it so your SX60 doesn't try to boot SX50 CHDKI already had ... I do not have anymore ...Waterwingz gave me the files ... but still unsuccessfulwould there be any other possibility? I do not want to give up!!
Make sure the dumper script is saved as plan text (ANSI in notepad) on the card as EXTEND.M (not EXTEND.M.TXT or something like that)If you already have CHDK on another camera, you can also use that to make a script disk, with the attached lua file. You need turn on "Enable Lua Native Calls" in the CHDK miscellaneous menu.After you prepare the card in your SX50, be sure to unlock it so your SX60 doesn't try to boot SX50 CHDK
what did I do wrong?
here are the videos of how I did ... I did 2 not to be too long between the cuts of the video the camera was 3 minutes connected the way the first video stoppedwhat did I do wrong?
I tried with another 8gb card but it did not work ... it stayed the same
Quote from: AlexandreHE on 22 / December / 2017, 09:48:41I tried with another 8gb card but it did not work ... it stayed the sameIf you low level formatted the card in your camera, it may have formatted it as exFAT. @philmoz is suggesting that an exFAT formatted card might not be useable to run Canon BASIC. I have not experimented with that but for now can you try formatting the card in your PC and make sure to select FAT32 as the format used?
I tried again by formatting the card in FAT32 format using the PC and without result again