I'm going mad trying to find an off the shelf camera system which I can install outdoors and which will take a photo once a minute and let me grab that photo for use online.
I have previously used an expensive HD video security camera for this but it's driving me nuts that the images it produces are terrible compared to those from my far cheaper old DSLR - primarily because the images are stills from the video feed.
I do not need video.
So perhaps if there's no pre-made solution out there I'll have to put something together myself and I'm wondering if CHDK might be a useful part of that solution?
Thoughts and recommendations on where to start would be much appreciated.
I want:
Outdoor camera in a UK coastal location (so temperature range max -15C-35C)
To take nice photos of a harbour scene, every minute, 24/7, completely autonomously.
To send those photos automatically to my web server.
It can have mains power to the box so a thermostatically controlled heater is no problem.
Thank you!