The attached File, Sx610_LV_&_CHDK.gif, attempts to show the ChdkPtp-r795 Live View Error.
For more info see Reply #16 & see Reply #19.
I don't understand what is wrong with live view.
Images are so tiny and I can't see anything.
Can you describe with words what's going on?
I sent you a test version with some changes to the lib.c file.
See if the zebra mode works correctly, these changes may have an impact on it.
Set the threshold to [10], this will make the zebra indicator much more visible.
The original "LiveView" display problem was, very simple, only the top half of "LiveView"
was visible. i.e. the (top half) vertical "LiveView" was twice as high when compared to the cameras "LiveView" display.
I did two very quick tests using your latest "LiveView" sx610 test version:-
No camera crashes, No "LiveView" error log, But I have not had time to do any more extensive testing.
There now only seems to be one "LiveView" related problem, "Miniature Mode" is displaying only the top half when in "LiveView"
as compared to the cameras "LiveView". This is a slightly different problem to the original "LiveView" display problem above.
As I wont be able to do more extensive sx610 testing for some time, may be its time to release a "Pre-Alpha" test
version and a "Pre-Alpha" source code version.
The main problem, I have, is that windows 10 on my laptops now have multiple failures and my back-up XP-home desktop
has now demanded to be "Re-Activated" just because I added two very old Sound Blaster cards. (etc., ..... etc.)
Edit #1 "FishEye" Deleted, replaced with "Miniature Mode"
To Do post a "Miniature Mode" mode "Error" image.