i´m trying to make a timelapse with my IXUS 750. Rawopint works great on the camera and i also can start it over a raspberry with chdkptp and .loadfile. The only problem i´ve got is the SD card. The "old" IXUS 750 only works with "standard" sd cards, so i´m limited to 2gb.My solution/wish with chdkptp:start rawopint and take one picture (loadfile)download the picture to the raspberry (imdl)delete pictures (imrm)restart after x secondsQuestion:The values get lost when the rawopint script ends. Is it possible to save and load the values from previous made pictures?maybe from rawopint.csv, or do you know an other workaround?
Of course, getting an other cam from ebay would be the easiest way, but i was hoping I could use my cam from the drawer.I wanted to capture a sporting event, which will last for about 6 hours. So it will start at daylight and will end with floodlight. Thats why I want to use rawopint.
I'm a bit surprised you got rawopint to work with loadfile: The CHDK menu options values aren't set when you start a script over PTP, so I would expect you to need to define a lot of them before the loadfile command, or edit the script to set them. Did you do something like this?
I have made a special script version for Bluestone_7 with "normal" variables instead script header.All relevant facts have already been discussed in the German forum: http://forum.chdk-treff.de/viewtopic.php?p=31646#p31646
I think the best possibility for this task with the Ixus750 is chdkptp with the remoteshoot function on a Raspi or another small PC and an external power supply.
Are you planning to use external power? Your camera probably won't run 6 hours on the standard battery.
Do you want to shoot at some specific interval, or as fast as possible?Are you planning to make a timelapse movie of the images, or do something else with them?
I may still look into making it work with remote shoot, when would you need this?
rs -script=rawopint_rs.lua -shots=10000 -int=4
rs -script=rawopint_rs.lua -shots=10000 -int=4 IMG_${shotseq,%05d}${ext}
ERROR: invalid shot count
If I want to change the values (for example "Display off"), do I change the rawopint_rs.lua file?
Can it shoot unlimited pictures (0=unlimited)? Or should I set -shots=999999 and kill the camera to stop the script?
If the exposure gets long as it gets dark, this can affect the interval. 2 seconds might work in daylight, but if exposure becomes 1 second each shot might take more.
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