The recording speed of the card is lousy, and won't record video from my Panasonic TZ5 camera. Eye-fi marketing and customer service are deliberately vague about the recording speed of the card. In response to inquiries about the writing speed, all they will say is "We do not share the information about the Eye-Fi Card's specific read/write speeds. I can tell you that our card is on par with the speed of basic consumer SD cards on the market." If they didn't fix this... I wouldn't recommend the eye-fi for anyone who wants to record video.
so far the write protection fix hasnt been tested yet. i'm pretty sure it will work. and the whole point of this card is that you only need to carry around ONE card only, because why would you need 10 of these cards, holding 8 GB each, when it's purpose is to backup the pictures via wifi?only thing you need carrying around is a laptop or access to hotspots that allow you to "phone home".you can of course try and email the eyefi corp, and i bet you will even get a letter back - a cease and desist letter
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