That looks to be just a wifi card in a Mini SD form factor, rather than a wifi-enabled memory card.
intrnst You joust gave me a idea. If we could make that possible we also achieve to have a laptop or whatever as an Viewfinder. Even if its wery framy after a sec you would have the best preview of what your going to shoot. I personally hate often the camera's 3 cm LCD but its probably only my strange opinion.However this sounds technically weary unprobable
Difference being?And besides, you can always buy a little converter
well, in that case you don't need the eyefi card at all... it is only useful for special purposes. for example taking a timelapse with lots of pictures during a big span of time.
oh and please dont triple post. you can quote each post into one single post Smiley
Quote from: adcz on 01 / June / 2008, 09:48:15Difference being?And besides, you can always buy a little converter Other than the looks, they're entirely different. SDIO wifi cards do not contain any storage space and require drivers to communicate with a wifi network. The EyeFi card handles the wifi communication entirely internally and appears to the camera as a normal memory card.
Quote from: PhyrePhoX on 01 / June / 2008, 09:43:15so far the write protection fix hasnt been tested yet. i'm pretty sure it will work. and the whole point of this card is that you only need to carry around ONE card only, because why would you need 10 of these cards, holding 8 GB each, when it's purpose is to backup the pictures via wifi?only thing you need carrying around is a laptop or access to hotspots that allow you to "phone home".you can of course try and email the eyefi corp, and i bet you will even get a letter back - a cease and desist letter Uuh...I dunno...most places I take pics are w/o wifi connections for a mile. And carrying around my laptop...oh boy that...will be a pain.
so far the write protection fix hasnt been tested yet. i'm pretty sure it will work. and the whole point of this card is that you only need to carry around ONE card only, because why would you need 10 of these cards, holding 8 GB each, when it's purpose is to backup the pictures via wifi?only thing you need carrying around is a laptop or access to hotspots that allow you to "phone home".you can of course try and email the eyefi corp, and i bet you will even get a letter back - a cease and desist letter
Have you seen this news item:Today @ PC World Wi-Fi Enabled Camera Helps Nab Crooks: Start of a Trend
well, in that case you dont need the eyefi card at all... it is only useful for special purposes. for example taking a timelapse with lots of pictures during a big span of time.
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