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rawopint settings

  • 19 Replies

Offline reyalp

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Re: rawopint settings
« Reply #10 on: 27 / April / 2018, 17:46:26 »
It will be interesting to see how different the battery shows on a graph.
Here are graphs from the 90 minute run. Same values as the other one, but not the same scale.

I made a dummy battery and connected it to a lead battery directly with crocodile clips.
So the dummy battery is home made, not canon or commercial clone? Did you use parts from a Canon battery? What did you do with the 3rd (probably middle) terminal?
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Offline andrewexeter

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Re: rawopint settings
« Reply #11 on: 27 / April / 2018, 18:32:58 »
With the dummy battery, yes I used a recycled canon battery - regarding the middle contact I left it unconnected to anything - because the lead battery had only two terminals so I really did not know what to do with it. What should I have connected the middle contact to? When a canon battery is taken apart the three contacts all are to be found on a long strip with tiny circuits - plus and minus terminals are found at the different ends - the middle contact is of course in the middle of the strip.

Thank you for creating the charts again - I need to understand how to read these CVS correctly first.

Regarding these charts what do see from the lastest 90min recording chart?

To myself the video looked very stable, the exposures seemed very similar over that 90 mins. Looking at the chart that looks very uniform as well, actually different to the 8 hour session - but of course this data is only an early part of the longer 8 hour session. The settings are similar to one of Mark's tests - EV shift 1/4, Max TV Sec/1000=500, Max ISO 800, Meter low thresh EV -3 1/2, -4 1/4, Under exp -EV, -5  1/2.

These settings were aimed at Day to Night but the test ended too early.

Does the log record the time of each shot and does the log record the settings I use?

These are great little scripts I shall look forward to trying out them again soon.

Many thanks
To take the best timelapse videos I can with only inexpensive equipment. Ixus 70


Offline reyalp

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Re: rawopint settings
« Reply #12 on: 27 / April / 2018, 22:46:21 »
With the dummy battery, yes I used a recycled canon battery - regarding the middle contact I left it unconnected to anything - because the lead battery had only two terminals so I really did not know what to do with it. What should I have connected the middle contact to? When a canon battery is taken apart the three contacts all are to be found on a long strip with tiny circuits - plus and minus terminals are found at the different ends - the middle contact is of course in the middle of the strip.
OK, this makes sense (and confirmed by you PM). The middle terminal is a thermistor connected to the negative on that strip. So if you used the whole strip, it's probably still connected in the normal way, and the camera still reads a temperature, it's just the battery compartment rather than the battery.
Regarding these charts what do see from the lastest 90min recording chart?
Honestly, not much. There's a big drop in the first few frames, but after that the lighting is pretty steady and the script doesn't have to work very hard.

Looking at the 8 hour one again, I can see the ND value is not quite right: When the ND goes in or out, there is an immediate jump in the Bv value.

Does the log record the time of each shot and does the log record the settings I use?
Yes. I would recommend using a spreadsheet program to look at the CSV. Excel, Libreoffice or google docs should all work. There is some documentation at http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Lua/Scripts:_Raw_Meter_Intervalometer#Log_file_description

The first two columns are date and time. Settings are recorded in the first row of the last column, but the units are somewhat different from the menu.
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Re: rawopint settings
« Reply #13 on: 30 / April / 2018, 07:11:31 »
Not a valid vimeo URL
The test was a failure, the images were underexposed, I am not sure why - but here is the data plus a chart.

init:ev_change_max=32 ev_shift=24 ev_use_initial=false bv_ev_shift_pct=30 bv_ev_shift_base_bv=false tv96_long_limit=96 tv96_short_limit=1276 tv96_sv_thresh=192 tv96_nd_thresh=-10000 nd_value=288 nd_hysteresis=48 sv96_max=699 sv96_target=380 meter_width_pct=90 meter_height_pct=90 meter_step=15 meter_high_thresh=96 meter_high_limit=168 meter_high_limit_weight=200 meter_low_thresh=-336 meter_low_limit=-408 meter_low_limit_weight=200 over_margin_ev=24 over_thresh_frac=30000 under_margin_ev=528 under_thresh_frac=100000 over_weight_max=200 under_weight_max=200 over_prio=0 under_prio=0 histo_step=15 do_draw=false draw_meter=none draw_gauge_y_pct=0 smooth=true meter_top=132 meter_left=194 meter_width=2796 meter_height=2088 meter_x_count=186 meter_y_count=139 histo_samples=31212 / rawopint v:0.24 / platform:ixus70_sd1000-101b-1.4.1-4988 Feb  1 2018 23:05:59 / interval:20000 / sd:65535 af_ok:true fl:5800 efl:35000 zoom_pos:0
init_frame:black_level=31 neutral=180 over_histo_min=866 under_histo_max=34
To take the best timelapse videos I can with only inexpensive equipment. Ixus 70


Offline c_joerg

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Re: rawopint settings
« Reply #14 on: 30 / April / 2018, 11:15:47 »
The test was a failure, the images were underexposed, I am not sure why - but here is the data plus a chart.
Why do you think it’s underexposed?
You should post the full log file. Important values are meter96 and over_frac.
M100 100a, M3 121a, G9x II (1.00c), 2*G1x (101a,100e), S110 (103a), SX50 (100c), SX230 (101a), S45,
Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/136329431@N06/albums
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrTH0tHy9OYTVDzWIvXEMlw/videos?shelf_id=0&view=0&sort=dd


Offline reyalp

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Re: rawopint settings
« Reply #15 on: 30 / April / 2018, 13:31:42 »
The test was a failure, the images were underexposed, I am not sure why - but here is the data plus a chart.
From the chart, both Tv and Sv limits were hit, so the scene just got darker than your allowed exposure. That said, if you allowed much more the stuff with lights would start to get blown out, so it a compromise.

tv96_long_limit=96 means the maximum shutter speed is 1/2 second, which is not very much.
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Offline andrewexeter

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Re: rawopint settings
« Reply #16 on: 30 / April / 2018, 21:43:42 »
thanks for the reply - yes I see max shutter was set at only 1/2 sec and at night - therefore the very high iso and noise.

Next time I use I will stop, think and double check the settings. I think I would need around 10 or 15 second shutter speed for the night part of the timelapse.

To take the best timelapse videos I can with only inexpensive equipment. Ixus 70


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Re: rawopint settings
« Reply #17 on: 12 / May / 2018, 16:30:52 »
It there a way to add to the settings of rawopint

a check for MF - infinity focus lock?

a check for ND filter out lock?

a check for disable flash?

the above would be on by wish list for the script.

this way a bootable SD card could be loaded without the fear that the flash will still come on, the focus is incorrect or the ND filter will jump in or out.

I am interested in photographing 6 hours plus so these pre locked settings are very important for me.
To take the best timelapse videos I can with only inexpensive equipment. Ixus 70


Offline reyalp

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Re: rawopint settings
« Reply #18 on: 12 / May / 2018, 17:09:33 »
It there a way to add to the settings of rawopint

a check for MF - infinity focus lock?
In the latest version (0.25), you can set the focus distance. If you use a very large value like 9999999 it should have the same effect as setting to infinity. You can use the zoom lever to enter large numbers quickly.

a check for ND filter out lock?
If you set "ND Tv Sec/10000" to 0, the script will keep the ND filter out.

a check for disable flash?
The script currently doesn't do this. You could add the line
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
if vid then
error('not in still mode')
but if YASS isn't able to disable the flash, this probably won't work either.
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Offline andrewexeter

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Re: rawopint settings
« Reply #19 on: 12 / May / 2018, 17:37:08 »
ok, great that is all great to know - thanks, I will try out tomorrow.
To take the best timelapse videos I can with only inexpensive equipment. Ixus 70


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