It will be interesting to see how different the battery shows on a graph.
I made a dummy battery and connected it to a lead battery directly with crocodile clips.
With the dummy battery, yes I used a recycled canon battery - regarding the middle contact I left it unconnected to anything - because the lead battery had only two terminals so I really did not know what to do with it. What should I have connected the middle contact to? When a canon battery is taken apart the three contacts all are to be found on a long strip with tiny circuits - plus and minus terminals are found at the different ends - the middle contact is of course in the middle of the strip.
Regarding these charts what do see from the lastest 90min recording chart?
Does the log record the time of each shot and does the log record the settings I use?
The test was a failure, the images were underexposed, I am not sure why - but here is the data plus a chart.
It there a way to add to the settings of rawopint1/a check for MF - infinity focus lock?
2/a check for ND filter out lock?
3/a check for disable flash?
if vid then error('not in still mode') end
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