And a question, if possible - do I understand it right? - that the firmware can supply to CHDK a factory-made list of bad pixels? And it is this list that CHDK puts in the opcodes in the v1.3 DNG when there's no badpixel.bin?
the build info shows firmware "101b". I use the svn revision 5012 build.
I'm new, and can't debug (can only "report", like this). Will it be helpful if I create the 4 files as instructed by philmoz? If somebody helps me - would be very sweet! Please!
badpixel.bin gets the list from the firmware indirectly. The canon firmware sets known bad pixels to 0 (or possibly some other small value on some cameras) so we extract the list by searching for 0 valued pixels.
This is expected, 101b and 101c firmwares use the same build.
It wouldn't hurt.
Since it works, no need I guess.
dngbatch path/to/images { mod -patch ; save -over -keepmtime }
you can also use dngbatch...
Thanks, also works. I'm curious though, why CHDK's badpixel.bin needs two shots, and dngbatch patches fine a single image?
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