Testing cameras after kbd.c change: 27 tested | 2 with minor bugs - page 9 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Testing cameras after kbd.c change: 27 tested | 2 with minor bugs

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Offline koshy

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Attached patch for ixus75 will attempt to blink the AF LED early in the boot process. Let me know if it blinks when you try to start with the power button.
Not only does it blink but once it is done blinking the cam powers up normally which before it didn't. So the question is how to remove the blinking and keep the cam powering on. Can it be about some race condition?
Koshy had a little ELPH which wasn't white as snow but everywhere that Koshy went the ELPH was sure to go. (actually an SD, but that detail ruins the rhyme...)


Offline koshy

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- A610 boots a current CHDK 1.4
- FW doesn't show "card locked" message
- keys outside of alt mode work
- has no jogdial
- keys work fine in ALT mode
- shooting RAW / JPEG was fine
- USB remote was fine
- CHDKPTP spot check of buttons was fine
- wheel buttons work
- =wheel_left() =wheel_right() have no effect

CHDK display items in CHDKPTP are white text on white ground.
The palette is identical on camera and in CHDKPTP but it's random.
The CHDK menu does not have the usual colors.
Nafraf fixed either for several other cameras so I'm mentioning it.
« Last Edit: 08 / July / 2015, 19:42:39 by koshy »
Koshy had a little ELPH which wasn't white as snow but everywhere that Koshy went the ELPH was sure to go. (actually an SD, but that detail ruins the rhyme...)


Offline reyalp

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Not only does it blink but once it is done blinking the cam powers up normally which before it didn't. So the question is how to remove the blinking and keep the cam powering on. Can it be about some race condition?

Maybe it just needs a little delay. Try undoing the patch, and then in  loader/ixus75_sd750/entry.S where it says
Code: [Select]
// looks like idle cycle is required for proper shutdown
MOV     R3, #0x8000
try increasing the 0x8000. I'd start by doubling it (0x10000). If that works, split the difference (0xC000), if not double it again.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline koshy

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Maybe it just needs a little delay. Try undoing the patch, and then in  loader/ixus75_sd750/entry.S where it says
Code: [Select]
// looks like idle cycle is required for proper shutdown
MOV     R3, #0x8000
try increasing the 0x8000. I'd start by doubling it (0x10000). If that works, split the difference (0xC000), if not double it again.
This seems interesting. I started doubling the value and kept doubling it for some time. At some point it worked for me so I tried going back. I got to a point where it would work or not work between presses and finally found out that this is about something different than we thought...

When I power these things on I put my index finder on the button slowly push down so that I'm sure I actuated it, let go and wait for the cam to be on. Now for the cameras that I couldn't turn on I was too slow in doing that. If I peck at the button like a little bird the cams turn on just fine.

I took an I65 to compare it with the I75 and with it I can even depress the power on button, hold it depressed until the camera is on, then let go. Just to point out that that's possible. With the I75 I can't do that at all as the cam won't power on if I do. Only if I let go of the button very quickly will it turn on. The same applies for A550 and A560. I'm sure someone with a different routine at using that power button might not even have noticed.

Without CHDK I can turn the cameras on by press and hold if I chose to.

Adjusting the delay will only increase the time you have until you need to have let go of the power putton...
Koshy had a little ELPH which wasn't white as snow but everywhere that Koshy went the ELPH was sure to go. (actually an SD, but that detail ruins the rhyme...)


Offline reyalp

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I took an I65 to compare it with the I75 and with it I can even depress the power on button, hold it depressed until the camera is on, then let go. Just to point out that that's possible. With the I75 I can't do that at all as the cam won't power on if I do. Only if I let go of the button very quickly will it turn on. The same applies for A550 and A560. I'm sure someone with a different routine at using that power button might not even have noticed.

Without CHDK I can turn the cameras on by press and hold if I chose to.

Adjusting the delay will only increase the time you have until you need to have let go of the power putton...
Good work. This seems like it should be something that would be possible to work around in CHDK code, but it may take some digging.

When you do turn these cameras on successfully with the power button, do they go to record mode, or stay in playback?
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline koshy

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When you do turn these cameras on successfully with the power button, do they go to record mode, or stay in playback?
Ah, thanks for asking this. I hadn't even noticed before but they do stay in playback.
Koshy had a little ELPH which wasn't white as snow but everywhere that Koshy went the ELPH was sure to go. (actually an SD, but that detail ruins the rhyme...)


Offline koshy

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- TX1 boots a current CHDK 1.4
- FW doesn't show "card locked" message
- keys outside of alt mode work
- has no jogdial
- keys work fine in ALT mode
- shooting RAW / JPEG was fine
- USB remote was fine
- CHDKPTP spot check of buttons was fine
- wheel buttons don't work
Koshy had a little ELPH which wasn't white as snow but everywhere that Koshy went the ELPH was sure to go. (actually an SD, but that detail ruins the rhyme...)


Offline koshy

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I looked through my forum bookmarks, this seems to have been one place where I left things unfinished.
Is this still relevant (the 29 untested models, the two with bugs)?

Today this would mean this for the 29:
- boot a current CHDK 1.5 unstable build on the cam
- make sure FW doesn't show "card locked" message
- switch to rec mode
- try keys outside of alt mode
- flip though some Canon menu pages
- select something that responds to jodial in Canon FW
- go to ALT mode and evaluate keys and jogdial
   - make sure that Canon UI does not respond to jogdial
- shoot RAW / JPEG
- test USB remote
- connect to CHDKPTP, go to rec mode and test wheel buttons
   - spot check other buttons
« Last Edit: 31 / May / 2018, 18:02:33 by koshy »
Koshy had a little ELPH which wasn't white as snow but everywhere that Koshy went the ELPH was sure to go. (actually an SD, but that detail ruins the rhyme...)


Offline reyalp

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I looked through my forum bookmarks, this seems to have been one place where I left things unfinished.
Is this still relevant (the 29 untested models, the two with bugs)?
At this point, if any were seriously broken and people were trying to use the cams, we'd probably have heard about it by now. As things turned out, not many cameras were broken by that change. So I'd say don't bother unless you want to, but if your bored... sure. Never hurts to get independent confirmation the current autobuilds still work.

I don't remember what the two with bugs were... if it's the A550 and IXUS75_SD750 power on behavior noted in the first post, I don't think those have been fixed.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline koshy

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I don't remember what the two with bugs were... if it's the A550 and IXUS75_SD750 power on behavior noted in the first post, I don't think those have been fixed.
Yes those two minor things and a palette issue also noted on page 1.
Other than that I'm closing the book on this testing thread.
Koshy had a little ELPH which wasn't white as snow but everywhere that Koshy went the ELPH was sure to go. (actually an SD, but that detail ruins the rhyme...)


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