I merged this with the porting thread, it's easier to follow if everything related to the port is in the same thread.
Now when I do the update firmwae to load CHDK it is asking if I want to update from to and if I say yes the green led start blinking for ever and I cannot do anything except take the battery out.
This is the expected / intended behavior when you try to load CHDK on a firmware version that isn't known to be compatible.
So I decided to try to do a new port. I installed GCC, arm-none-eabi, CHDK Release-1_6 and was able to compile SX420si 100a.
So I decided to try to create sub 110a. I copied the files from the 100a sub to the 110a sub, I extracted PRIMAY.BIN with a extend.m script ad copied it in the new 110a. I rangmake PLATFORM=sx420is PLATFORMSUB=110a rebuild-stubs with success and gmake PLATFORM=sx420is PLATFORMSUB=100a fir also ran OK.
So I have a new DISKBOOT.BIN file but it cannot run.
I tried with EOScard to make my card bootable but nothing happen.
What specifically happens when you try to run your build? The camera starts normally without CHDK, or doesn't appear to power on at all, or something else?
Do I need other file than DISKBOOT.INI on the card to make it boot?
You should have a full installation of CHDK on the card (for example, from the sx420 1.6 build from the autobuild), but it should boot without.
Did I missed somthing in compilation?
I am a little lost...
Depending on what has changed in the new Canon firmware version, you might need to update quite a lot more in the source. If you post the PRIMARY.BIN (you can use a file sharing site like dropbox. box.com etc) dump, I can quickly check.
https://chdk.fandom.com/wiki/Adding_support_of_a_new_firmware_version explains generally what's needed. The sx420 port was made using code-gen (see code_gen.txt in the 100a port) so you can regenerate most of the C files just using make run-code-gen, but depending on the changes, you might need to update the code_gen.txt itself or find stubs for stubs_min.S and/or stubs_entry_2.s manually.
You can quickly get an idea how much as changed between the firmware versions by comparing the stubs_entry.S and funcs_by_adddress.csv for the two firmwares generated by rebuild-stubs. If they are identical (except for comments directly related to the version string), then the firmware can almost certainly use the same CHDK build. Otherwise, a more detailed examination is required.