Some questions about use of 2 a3300 in a diybookscanner - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Some questions about use of 2 a3300 in a diybookscanner

  • 1 Replies
Some questions about use of 2 a3300 in a diybookscanner
« on: 04 / July / 2018, 13:38:46 »
hello ladies n gentlemen

 i have made a diybookscanner .i am using 2 canon a3000 and capture max 1500 pages per hour.
sir  waterwingz has made a perfect script to power on cameras and have specific zoom -lens scale every time, so i dont have to set zoom.
i use usb remote with HTC USB Splitter to have both usb cable and a/v signal.
canon have a diy-battery with a/c power supply and a sd card cable so i can put out sd card easily with the captured images

more info check this
check(8.03 with 8.27)
if the camera is powered on and i put out the sd card ,camera still work (!)
i can copy paste the images put back the sd card on camera and keep capturing.
so i don't have again power on the camera and set the ankles to be the camera exactly opposite from the glass if they will move while i press the button.(i can see that with a small mirror in front of glass if the camera position is changes lens will not be in the centre of the cross in lcd screen)
 if i capture with no sd card it give me error.
also i can change the sd cards (by accident) and keep working but if the images have same filename the new ones are captured half .

-1 : can that make a problem on sd card or camera?

i have 12058 on one camera and 17993 captured images on the other.
-2 :  what happen after 100.000 captured pages ?will the cameras capture slower ?will it be caused any problem?


Offline reyalp

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Re: Some questions about use of 2 a3300 in a diybookscanner
« Reply #1 on: 06 / July / 2018, 20:04:49 »
-1 : can that make a problem on sd card or camera?
I'm not sure if I understand, but if you mean removing the card while the camera is powered on, yes, that seems very likely. It would be better to either download the files with USB, or make a way to power the camera on/off remotely.

If you want the camera to power on when external power is present, you can make something that holds the power button down, but you should turn it off using script rather than just cutting the power.

i have 12058 on one camera and 17993 captured images on the other.
-2 :  what happen after 100.000 captured pages ?will the cameras capture slower ?
There's no specific limit at 100000 images. Eventually, the cameras might wear out and stop working. The cards could also fail.
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