This looks quite useful, so I added this as an action in CHIMP.
I know that I'm nagging, but being able to load unofficial build would be useful too.
Side note: the scripts posted here will need an update in future as Canon plans to release firmware updates to all cams mentioned here.
public sub check_compat() if Peek16(0xe1f20270) = {platform_id} then check_compat = 1 else check_compat = 0 end ifend sub
AFAIK the PID address is constant,
Is there any way to glean those from CHDK code?
CHDK itself doesn't seem to validate the revision when it starts.
For most ports, it does. See loader/generic/*
There is an event procedure that can get the firmware version: GetInternalFirmwareVersion . It can be added to the script if necessary.
Quote from: compat_table.h// !!! THIS FILE IS GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT. !!!What is it generated from? I only found a couple bin_comp_fix.h files under platforms/*/sub/
public sub check_compat() if Peek16(0xe1f20270) = 0x32d1 then check_compat = 1 else check_compat = 0 end if if strcmp("1.00A", 0xe047b5b3) <> 0 then check_compat = 0 end ifend sub
Now, I'm wondering if the same script would work for other cameras.
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