Clean Canon overlays (G7X II, G5X; EOS M10, M3, also M5, M6, M100 via script) - page 10 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Clean Canon overlays (G7X II, G5X; EOS M10, M3, also M5, M6, M100 via script)

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Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Clean Canon overlays (M10, M3, also M6, M100 via script)
« Reply #90 on: 04 / June / 2020, 17:53:36 »
Thank you so much (: I’m actually looking for a build that will allow me to override the 30min display shut off. Do you know if anything like that exists?
I have a feeling you only read the first few words of my post. Try reading it again, follow the links and read what's there.
I’ve already found a workaround to get clean hdmi, just need the display to stay on for a longer period of time.
If you're already using a script, then please replace the script with the one that's in this post.

Re: Clean Canon overlays (M10, M3)
« Reply #91 on: 06 / June / 2020, 04:01:55 »
Code: [Select]
' clean rec mode palette
' EOS M100, 100a, 101a

DIM palette_buffer_ptr = 0x116f4
DIM active_palette_buffer = 0x116ec
DIM palette_to_zero = 0

public sub check_compat()
    check_compat = 0
    if Peek16(0xe1f20270) <> 0x32d1 then
        exit sub
    end if
    if strcmp("GM1.00A",0xe047b5b1) = 0 then
        check_compat = 1
        exit sub
    end if
    if strcmp("GM1.01A",0xe047b5cd) = 0 then
        check_compat = 1
        exit sub
    end if
end sub

private sub RegisterProcs()
end sub

private sub palette_mod()
    adr = *palette_buffer_ptr
    adr = adr + (palette_to_zero * 4)
    if *adr <> 0 then
        adr = *adr + 4
        memset(adr, 0, 256 * 4)
    end if
end sub

private sub Initialize()
    ret = check_compat()
    if ret=1 then
    end if
end sub

I have Canon EOS M100 (firmware 101a) and "clean HDMI overlay" and "Display off" is functional ... thanks a lot for script! :-)

Ok please tell me how...because I just got my M100 (101a from what I can see) and I cannot get this to work for the life of me. Tried it multiple times and tried everything I've thought of. Could it be that I'm using parallels on my MacBook to do the EOScard prep?

Re: Clean Canon overlays (M10, M3, also M6, M100 via script)
« Reply #92 on: 06 / June / 2020, 05:48:36 »
Yip, nothing is working. Tried many different combos of the different AF settings. Even tried in MF and nothing. exiftool says my Firmware Revision is 1.01 rev 1.00.

Re: Clean Canon overlays (M10, M3, also M6, M100 via script)
« Reply #93 on: 06 / June / 2020, 06:57:16 »
I even tried removing the compatibility check code to just run the fixes and still nothing. Could it be that the script is just not running at all despite doing prep etc?

Re: Clean Canon overlays (M10, M3, also M6, M100 via script)
« Reply #94 on: 06 / June / 2020, 07:01:00 »
Anyone know how to do a fresh clean install of the latest firmware? I've tried using EOS utility and I do not get the option to update the firmware. Trying to do it via the SD Card, it says that it's already up to date, hence I can't wipe and do a clean install.


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Clean Canon overlays (M10, M3)
« Reply #95 on: 06 / June / 2020, 08:07:01 »
Tried it multiple times and tried everything I've thought of. Could it be that I'm using parallels on my MacBook to do the EOScard prep?
Your problem is the card. Preparing the card seems problematic for some people, for reasons I don't know.
Have you tried this app (listed on the linked page): ?
If you still can't get the script to run, try low level formatting the card (or even fill it with zeroes before), then use MacBoot on it again. You could also try another card, preferably smaller (SD or SDHC).
The script has successfully run if the overlays disappear in shooting mode.
Firmware Revision is 1.01 rev 1.00
is version 101a, supported by the script. There is not need to re-install it (updating to the same firmware is not supported anyway).

Re: Clean Canon overlays (M10, M3)
« Reply #96 on: 06 / June / 2020, 08:25:46 »
Tried it multiple times and tried everything I've thought of. Could it be that I'm using parallels on my MacBook to do the EOScard prep?
Your problem is the card. Preparing the card seems problematic for some people, for reasons I don't know.
Have you tried this app (listed on the linked page): ?
If you still can't get the script to run, try low level formatting the card (or even fill it with zeroes before), then use MacBoot on it again. You could also try another card, preferably smaller (SD or SDHC).
The script has successfully run if the overlays disappear in shooting mode.
Firmware Revision is 1.01 rev 1.00
is version 101a, supported by the script. There is not need to re-install it (updating to the same firmware is not supported anyway).

Hey thanks for the assist. I'm getting a permission denied error when trying to prepare the card.

Re: Clean Canon overlays (M10, M3)
« Reply #97 on: 06 / June / 2020, 08:35:41 »
Tried it multiple times and tried everything I've thought of. Could it be that I'm using parallels on my MacBook to do the EOScard prep?
Your problem is the card. Preparing the card seems problematic for some people, for reasons I don't know.
Have you tried this app (listed on the linked page): ?
If you still can't get the script to run, try low level formatting the card (or even fill it with zeroes before), then use MacBoot on it again. You could also try another card, preferably smaller (SD or SDHC).
The script has successfully run if the overlays disappear in shooting mode.
Firmware Revision is 1.01 rev 1.00
is version 101a, supported by the script. There is not need to re-install it (updating to the same firmware is not supported anyway).

YOU ARE A GENIUS! Thank you so much man. Worked like a charm (when I read the instruction on running MacBoot as admin). You're right. My issue the entire time was with the prepare. Thank you a million times man. You're a life saver! :haha :P :lol

Re: Clean Canon overlays (M10, M3, also M6, M100 via script)
« Reply #98 on: 10 / June / 2020, 01:07:27 »
I have an m100 and I've been trying to get this script to work. However, I have absolutely 0 knowledge or any idea of how this works. Could someone hop in a discord channel with me and help me out? Cause... I'm trying, I've spent the last 6 days attempting this.

Re: Clean Canon overlays (M10, M3, also M6, M100 via script)
« Reply #99 on: 10 / June / 2020, 01:45:27 »
I'm an idiot, I was doing it backwards. I got it to work... I think.


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