for DC_scriptdisk
DIM palette_buffer_ptr = 0x11d4cDIM active_palette_buffer = 0x11d44DIM palette_to_zero = 0 private sub RegisterProcs() System.Create() ExecuteEventProcedure("UI.CreatePublic")end sub private sub Initialize() RegisterProcs() LockMainPower() adr = *palette_buffer_ptr adr = adr + (palette_to_zero * 4) if *adr <> 0 then adr = *adr + 4 memset(adr, 0, 256 * 4) end ifend sub
I checked the recently released updated firmwares for M100 (101a) and M6 (101a), and found that the palette related addresses used by the scripts are unchanged.I updated the M100 script(s) I posted in this thread so that they run on firmwares 100a and 101a. The M6 script (the one posted by zeerow that doesn't check fw version) will run on 100b, 100f, 101a.
My beloved Canon M6 shows firmware 1.0.0 without any letters behind the numbers.
My beloved Canon M6 shows firmware 1.0.0 without any letters behind the numbers. What to do now?
M6 is not listed there.Why?People in here reported positive feedback with M6.
Started by psxpetey General Discussion and Assistance
Started by pigeonhill General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases
Started by oPryzeLP General Discussion and Assistance
Started by platinummack « 1 2 3 4 » General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases
Started by scinos General Discussion and Assistance