Hi Geezer6711
if you email me (zenoshrdluATgmail.com) the log file (it's a file called sticklog.txt in the STICK directory) that STICK writes when it terminates I may be able to see what's going wrong.
STICK does sometimes have problems identifying card drives under WINDOWS - particularly on laptops. It seems to depend on the particular way windows accesses the hardware.
Dave (
@zeno )
Per my most recent PM to you, the log file Geezer6711 posted contains this line:
Downloading http://zenoshrdlu.com/acid/acidchdkt.properties
- searching for build for Trunk CHDK sx60hs-100f
- build found - Trunk CHDK bins/sx60hs-100f-1.5.0-5096-full_ALPHA.zip
Does this mean STICK is looking for 1.5.0 as the development builds? Even though the labels on the app window show it using 1.3 as stable and 1.4 as development?
Also, Geezer6711 setup a test100f.zip file, which the log shows STICK finding. Does it ignore the "unsupported build" file if it can find an official release in the autobuild?
Otherwise, the log stops at
STICK needs permission to analyse disk
even though he ran it with stickx.cmd and the log says :
Is an admin