Presumably someone didn't want to figure out how to do it in integer-only hostlua.
If the error has a repeatable component it would be relatively easy to come up with a correction table and apply the difference in Tv.
A better way to measure error might be to take several shots at a fixed value, and then compare subsequent to the average. In the current script, the accuracy of the previous shot can significantly affect the error reported.
Interestingly, your error does not appear to be random: The 4th, 7th, 10th and 11th all have high error, but across runs are within 2 units.
My first test video with M3 and EF 50mm from f1.8 until f16. 1/8 EV steps a still small enough to get smooth aperture ramping. I used deflicker CS in VirtualDub.Really great stuff and great work from reyalp
Get_min_av96 returns a nil value on M3 so I set values from 200 to 600 (may be max as well).
or that some work in 1/8th stop (12 unit) steps.
It would be nice for CHDK to be able to know which stops are valid.
Edit:Never mind, I see you are using CHDK build 4928. The min / max Av functions were added in 4998. The error you get is that the function itself is nil.
press'shoot_half'repeat sleep(10) until get_shooting() local AV96=get_prop(props.AV)release'shoot_half' print_screen(get_day_seconds()/10)local dof=get_dofinfo()print("AV Values") print(' FL=',dof.focal_length)print(' AV96=',AV96,',f',fmt_av(AV96))print('Min AV96=',get_min_av96(),',f',fmt_av(get_min_av96()))print('Max AV96=',get_max_av96(),',f',fmt_av(get_max_av96()))
EF 24mm f/2.8 IS USM AV96= 288 ,f 2.82Min AV96= 300 ,f 2.95Max AV96= 876 ,f 23.62EF 50mm f1.8 USM AV96= 168 ,f 1.83Min AV96= 168 ,f 1.83Max AV96= 864 ,f 22.62EF-M 15-45mm f3.5-6.3 IS STM at 15mm AV96= 348 ,f 3.51Min AV96= 348 ,f 3.51Max AV96= 864 ,f 22.62EF-M 15-45mm f3.5-6.3 IS STM at 45mm AV96= 516 ,f 6.44Min AV96= 516 ,f 6.44Max AV96= 1032 ,f -24.-3EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS STM at 55mm AV96= 384 ,f 4.00Min AV96= 396 ,f 4.17Max AV96= 876 ,f 23.62EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS STM at 250mm AV96= 480 ,f 5.65Min AV96= 492 ,f 5.90Max AV96= 972 ,f -32.-11EF-S 10-18mm/f4.5-5.6 EF-S IS STM at 10mm AV96= 420 ,f 4.55Min AV96= 420 ,f 4.55Max AV96= 864 ,f 22.62EF-S 10-18mm/f4.5-5.6 EF-S IS STM at 18mm AV96= 480 ,f 5.65Min AV96= 480 ,f 5.65Max AV96= 924 ,f 28.10
The CHDK C implementation should be correct, and should work for anything over f/1.0. We should probably support f/1.0 and below now that we have ILC cameras...
Updated script in the first post.
#ui_av_end=0 "End value (0 = max)" [0 1920]
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