- Script Writing - CHDK Forum

  • 2 Replies
« on: 26 / September / 2018, 22:18:14 »
     I know, I've asked about this before; but it's something I would really like. And, it is the ability to see, and hopefully capture, the equivalent of what Sony calls; which is what you get when you apply the 'negative' feature (in many software editors) to your positive image. I'd like to (at least) be able to see what the negative image looks like before taking the picture, and, if possible, capture the image in negative form. I'm sure it's a software application. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
..... john


Offline reyalp

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« Reply #1 on: 26 / September / 2018, 23:08:06 »
I'd like to (at least) be able to see what the negative image looks like before taking the picture, and, if possible, capture the image in negative form. I'm sure it's a software application. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
There's certainly no simple way to do this with CHDK. It might or might not be possible to program whatever part of digic does the various other color effects to do this, but the main ARM core where CHDK runs isn't what does that.

On digic 6, you could do a very slow preview using the UI display. This would be harder on earlier cameras because the UI is palette based with a limited number of colors.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

« Reply #2 on: 27 / September / 2018, 09:39:09 »
Hi reyalp,
          Thanks for the explanation. I have NO idea how these things work, and even less, if that's possible, about scripting. I have a Sony's F717 that does it, but the screen is so small as to be nearly useless. (I would be thinking of doing it on my A590 or buying another Canon, assuming it were at all possible, which it seems not.) I thought that since many image editors can do it, CHDK might also; but again, I know nothing about these things.
Thanks again for your help.
..... john


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