I am going to attempt a port for the SX430 (i have the ixus285 too for later if this succeeds). Although i have done some (very little ) C programming i have almost zero knowledge about disassemblers and such.
Well, the bad news is that you are going to need to learn a bunch of new stuff. The good news is that your are going to learn a bunch of new stuff.
I have gone thru some of the recommended reads for a new port (i will be completing the rest soon -i hope) and am trying to gather all the relevant tools for compilation. i am on windows by the way. I would like to request any pointers or advice that the gurus in this forum would like to give for a noob
A lot of the wikia documentation on porting was barely adequate many years ago when it was written. At that point, many people used quasi-legal versions of IDA dissassembly tool. Much has changed since then - mostly for the better.
I'm pretty sure there is a good high level summary of the necessary steps somewhere here on the forum (
@reyalp ?). Start with that and ask questions as you take each step. You'll get an answer here and everyone who has actually done a port will be very patient with someone doing their first.