Yes the "Y" means Verified , ? not verified
i will try to confirm those you mentioned
Few more things.
This script tests focus (subject distance) override capabilities for CHDK 1.3 and later. This script should be used on every new port to determine the which override methods work. The script is included in full builds as CHDK/SCRIPTS/TEST/MFTEST.LUA
Test procedure for new ports
Set the camera to P mode
Make sure Canon firmware MF and AF lock are not enabled
Make sure AF and Servo AF are disabled in the Canon firmware shooting menu, if present.
Enable all test methods and set "Bypass Interlocks?" to Yes in the script options.
Set "Shoot Full" to [No]
Run the script.
If the camera crashes on a test, disable that test and repeat
A detailed log is recored in mf_<cameraname>.csv (the name may be truncated on dryos cameras).
Please share the log here.
One dng would come well too.
Shoot something bright and do not use zoom while shooting.