maybe time to resurect this ... any progress on one of the CDHK holy grails ... an automatic (script) generated dark frame ?
I want to take X (for astro) night shots at 10 - 30sec exposure plus 1 dark frame at the end to get rid of the hot pixels and the purple monster that lives in the top left corner.
at the moment I take X pics at Y exposure for stacking ... so then must physically be there to manually take the dark frame (by covering the lens) at X-1 (the last shot) to get a decent representative dark frame.
now if I am taking X=25 shots at Y=30 secs exposure (about the limit to aviod star trails) ... that means I have to be at the camera *exactly* (X*Y)-1 (in the example case 12) minutes later to manually take that dark frame , otherwise the whole previous sequence is useless because the CCD has cooled off , etc. and that makes the generated darkframe useless.
At the moment I have to take X raw frames without NR , then one more at the end with NR , sum the X frames , subtract the X+1 (with NR) frame to create a "dark frame" ... apply that dark frame to the other X frames to get rid of the noise ...
and now I read that it seems the camera generates "dark frame" reduction shots by applying the dark frame to the raw *before* the raw is saved , which makes all my raw generated dark frames useless !
So is there a way yet to simply just close the shutter and take a totally dark shot (of the CCD) to use as the dark frame ?
or to summarise ... is there a way yet to get a real "dark frame" automtically in a script ?