I've done some measurements on my A720's "Lens EVi" sensors reading.
To smooth out the numbers, I've integrated using the following code in do_show_is_raw():
static int EViAInt=0;
static int EViBInt=0;
sprintf(buf, "AvA %06d AvB %06d ", EViAInt, EViBInt);
draw_string(0, 9*FONT_HEIGHT, buf, MAKE_COLOR(COLOR_BG, COLOR_FG));
So, I'm not adding or subtracting any 4096 here.
I've put the camera in the following orientations:
- "0", camera in its normal position, bottom side on the ground, lens pointing towards the horizon
- "180", camera flipped upside down, top side on the ground, lens towards the horizon
- "skywards", camera with the LCD side on the ground, lens pointing towards the sky
- "90", camera hand-held so that the left side (the one with sockets, not the one with the handgrip) sits on the ground, lens towards the horizon
- "270", camera hand-held so that the right side (handgrip) sits on the ground, lens towards the horizon
I've done more (and perhaps more reliable) measurements for the "0", "180" and "skywards" orientations, as they didn't require hand-holding.
During the first measurements, I've used a precision of 50, then seeing that some numbers seemed remarkably consistent (well, not quite always), I've switched to a precision of 5. Not very scientific, I know

The results are as follows (orientation, A axis, B axis):
0: 3650/3800/3900/3900/4080/3940/4130 (mean:
3914, stddev: 162), 2500/2550/2250/2500/2550/2550/2510 (mean:
2487, stddev: 107)
sky: -2800/-2250/-2200/-2325/-2345 (mean:
-2384, stddev: 240), 1550/1550/1525/1550/1605 (mean:
1556, stddev: 29)
180: -9050/-8950/-8950/-9000/-8750 (mean:
-8940, stddev: 114), 750/750/750/750/860 (mean:
772, stddev: 49)
90: -3040/-2810/-2795 (mean:
-2882, stddev: 137), -4860/-4855/-4945 (mean:
-4887, stddev: 51)
270: -1775/-1660/-1590 (mean:
-1675, stddev: 93), 8350/8425/8425 (mean:
8400, stddev: 43)
Average of means (A axis): -2393
Average of means (B axis): 1666
Average of means (total): -1255
Average of standard deviations: 95
The following angles are not included in the averages:
30: 2530, -975
60: -100, -3600
120: -6630, -4290
150: -8735, -2055/-2285
210: -8040, 3835
240: -5400 6500
300: 1380, 7425
330: 3700, 5625