Thanks reyalp. What do you mean by reverse engineering? You don't have to be that specific.
I mean analyzing the Canon firmware to understand how the creative shot feature works and then finding a way to modify it.
I imagine looking at the natural Canon script for the creative shot mode and adding to or bypassing some of the lines of code so it shoots in every available filter.
In the very broadest sense, this is correct, but actually doing it is extremely difficult and time consuming. We don't have a "script" for the Canon firmware, only binary machine code. A full disassembly of a modern firmware is over 2 million lines of undocumented
A person who knows assembly language can analyze small parts, but a feature like creative shot isn't usually isolated to a single, identifiable location. Instead there are multiple tasks (processes) the implement different parts of the UI and shooting process, spread of many thousands of lines of code.
It's possible there is a simple variable or something that could be poked to do what you want, but just finding that out would likely take a lot of work.