Continued from post #1
CHDK Topic:- DIGIC 7 'PowerShot' Development 'Code Pattern Matching' (in theory)
Important Note #0:- 'Code Pattern Matching' (theory ONLY) The CHDK reference camera used is the M3-101a (edited), also see Note #2.
Important Note #1:- 'Code Pattern Matching' (theory ONLY) i.e. THIS IS NOT A DIGIC 7, M5 & M6, "PORTING ATTEMPT" post.
Important Note #2:- 'Code Pattern Matching' (theory ONLY) was originaly done in 2017 & 2018, so in 2019, it will not be up-to-date.
Important Note #3:- This, complex, stuff starts with a post "Canon EOS M5" « on: 11/December/2016
So, just due to Reply #3, " much effort will be required ... by reyalp" it will contain many typos,
and other errors, so please post any DIGIC 7 related comments and corrections ... etc.
IDA 7 & CHDK_Ref:- IDA 7 - ARM Dissassembler Demo & Qemu on: 28/September/2017 by H-H
Reply #1 and Edit's on: 21/September/2017 by H-H some of the attached 'Code Pattern Matching' (Using Win-10_x64 & IDA-Pro 7.0 Disassembler) files for:-
(based on "IDA Demo HowTo" by srsa_4c)
====M3 [Reference Camera]====
Eos-M3-101a (edited)
Eos_M5-100a, Eos_M5-101e
Eos_M6-100b, Eos_M6-100f
Important Note #4:- CHDK D7 Boot.c, 'Startup Code' " left as an exercise to the owners of these cameras. .."
Also see ML Topic:- DIGIC 7 Development Posts, an example below
(ML) Re: DIGIC 7 Development (200D/SL2, 800D/T7i, 77D, 6D2)
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2017, by a1ex»
What we know about D7 can be found on the (CHDK) EOS M5 thread, but that model runs PowerShot firmware.
It's very likely a dual-core Cortex A9, with MMU, and runs Thumb-2 code
(therefore, we might have some luck matching code patterns from some D6 models).
Caching issues (not yet solved on D6) are probably similar (that is, once it's solved for one model,
it will very likely apply to all others).
CHDK Ref:- ====EOS M5 Thread====
CHDK Canon EOS M5 the attached D7 files:-
Edit #1:- Also See ML Topic: Firmware Dumping and Loading into IDA (Read 20776 times)