I'd released mod of CHDK with timestamp and custom label captions.
last build you'll find at
there's a build for S5 IS, A650 IS, A460 only for a while.
to build for other devices I need your RAW file to analize its bayer sequence (need for raw print in RAW).user manual on russian only, but firmware zip includes rus\eng lang files.
download page here
http://canons5is.clan.su/loadif you're interesting this build I'll write eng user manual to understand using timestamp features.
to be continued...
timestamp feature allows you to print date, time (with or w\o seconds) and\or custom label captions on photo picture by one of 7 colors and one of 5 font sizes using your preferred RBF fonts or system monowidth. some examples are in user manual at
http://canons5is.clan.su/load/0-0-0-24-20 (usermanual.chm)
to print your custom labels you must create txt file and type as this: <NUMBER><SPACE>"<TEXT in QUOTES>"
1 "Hellowin"
2 "Birthday party"
3 "Vacation"
4 "Any text here"
5 "Yet another text"
and save this as any name in text format, for example labels.txt.
labels.txt can content 5 records only, but you may create any number of files like this with any 5 captions.
save labels.txt into CHDK\LABELS on your flash card by cardreader.
as firmware loads, call it Print - Menu and go to submenu Timestamp and custom labels and choose your labels.txt, an then you can select your captions. check timestamp and other options (alignments, colors, font options) you want as your desire and ... enjoy.
to use RBF-font option to print timestamp you must use CHDK' screen font option to choose RBF font. that is feature of using RBF font option.
timestamp recommended settings:very small font size is best printed and recognized with ext outline thick is 0 and ext outline color is any,
int(ernal) outline thick is 1 and int outline colors: