I recently installed CHDK on my two powershots A590 IS and I didn't experience any problems in doing so. The problem started when I build the usb remote shutter release cable.
I followed this tutorial to the letter:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqqtsRrTpgAI checked the cable thouroughly, I measured the voltages and the it is my understanding that the cable is okay.
Problem is that it doesn't work with my cameras.
I changed the settings to 'remote control' but when I have OSD on there is a little menu that you can use when you press the shutter in to the first position (than using the arrow keys you can select various items). So if I push the shutter on the camera everything is okay but when I push the switch on the usb cable, the camera doesn't even recognize this as a shutter press down.
Can anyone help me out?