My first time lapse about dandelion seeds germinating. The whole thing went on for 23 days with an interval of 5 minutes. This results in about 6500 pictures with 288 pictures a day. The pictures of the first 2.5 days and the last 7 days I have completely removed.
This left about 4500 pictures left. Of the 4500 images, I used only 2000 images:
- from the first 1200 pictures each picture (1: 1, 5 minutes interval)
- every second picture of the next 1000 pictures (1: 2, 10 minutes interval)
- from the rest only every fourth picture (1: 4, 20 minutes interval)
In some places it would have been possible to work with a shorter interval.
The whole ends because the plants did not get any more water in the end. Irrigation was capillary over the fabric. Due to the evaporation only the lime remained from the water. This then prevented the capillary action.
The whole thing I have done with a custom CHDK script with a Canon SX50. The camera was in M mode including focus.
The basis was the Ultimate Intervalometer script. shots, the camera has switched to playback mode. This prevents the increase of the sensor temperature. The average was 32 degrees Celsius. Without this switch you will then be at almost 58 degrees Celsius. Important when switching was that you prevented that the lens is retracted. this point I would like to thank for the help of waterwingz and srsa_4c.