for devs: vacant jobs, must-have features, status & overview / for users: a poll - page 3 - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum

for devs: vacant jobs, must-have features, status & overview / for users: a poll

  • 28 Replies

Offline fe50

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Hi chiuki,

#47 EXIF data: LjL is also working a solution to write a EXIF structure with the real CHDK data & settings, first writing them in a textfile corresponding to the picture, later this can also be the base for implementing all kind of meta data handling within CHDK: Exif in RAW mode.

OT: hehe, The SD870 is getting one of the "motors" of further CHDK development  :haha

Yup PhyrePhoX, thanks for linking to my blog. :)

Actually, I started poking at memory to get the playback file name precisely because I read the post by cyril42e. He did not explain how he got the address, though, so I ended up writing my own memory search program to find out.

Both IPTC and EXIF are metadata headers. I started looking into IPTC because Picasa uses that to store the caption data. So far I managed to extract the caption written by Picasa and display that on the screen. In other words, as you browse the images, the camera display the caption on the screen at the same time. I want to have on-camera caption editing, and reading the caption is the first step to writing it.

Looks like we can use EXIF comment field for the caption. Since we want CHDK to write other EXIF data as well, it may make more sense to store the caption there as well.

There are a few things I'd like to check in:
  • The memory search program. That way other people can use it to find the address for the playback file name and other useful addresses.
  • The helper function to return the playback file name. I made it such that if I know the address, I copy out the file name. Otherwise it just returns NULL.
  • The IPTC library, if people are interested.

I will send a PM to grand for an assembla account.


Offline PhyrePhoX

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actually you have to create the account for yourself, grand will only allow it to have write rights on the CHDK workspace. i know that grand is busy with RL atm, so he might not answer in time. ewavr also can do it.
but they probably dont give you the right, remember, you are a "2 post" guy - don't take that as an offense, it is just a matter of security and trust. remember, there are a lot of people who can get your code into the trunk/branches for you.
hope you will have a great time here :)

Fair enough.

PhyrePhoX, would you mind being the middleman? Do you want to see the svn diff, or should I attach the files themselves?


Offline PhyrePhoX

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i'd suggest opening a new thread, describing your changes in detail and attaching a diff and maybe even binaries for others to test. i will patch the trunk as soon as we get some feedback on this matter, some positive that is ;)
but i'm sure people will appreciate it, as long as you provided detailed information about what and maybe how you did it.


Offline fe50

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diff's and a short explanation of the features on a own thread will be nice, that's the way i prefer...and you'll get more feedback !


Offline PhyrePhoX

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updated first three posts to reflect current development in the juciphox branch, also edited the poll to show you which of the desired features already made it into the build.
still a lot of gaping holes in the wishlist - developers unite and fix these :D :)

part 3:
64 - built-in image/video viewer - i understand divx videos cannot and probably will never be played. and also tiff files can never be shown. However, i do not understand why the camera displays files ONLY if they are named after in a special formatted way (some ISO standard), even if they have been recorded with the same camera. same applies to movies. it is very annoying copying my vacation pictures to the sdcard only to find out (when i'm at friends) that the camera does not show them. maybe some ASM guru finds out the image/video "filter" of the cameras and kind of disables or enhances it. this way we ultimately have a portable imageviewer/movieplayer without having to rename/reorganize all media first. difficulty: high. priority: low. useful: very useful.

Viewing images on Cannon cameras is more or less solved (follow link), but needs preprocessing and special names. So I think this is two things first get images to be shown on camera (not CHDK work) wither by converting them or naming them correctly with the right EXIF. Or Hacking the camera to accept all images, anywhere on the SD card.

Has anyone identified the location of the image decoder calls/callbacks?


Offline PhyrePhoX

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updated first three posts again with either status (is it in trunk yet?) or with a link to the bugtracker ID (created tickets from most of these issues). had to edit alot and cut most of the color tags to have it still fit into three posts (20k char limit per post) - phew!


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