Multicam synch with different cameras via PTP - page 3 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Multicam synch with different cameras via PTP

  • 23 Replies

Offline reyalp

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Re: Multicam synch with different cameras via PTP
« Reply #20 on: 02 / May / 2019, 17:56:44 »
One other problem.
I set on all cameras in the CHDK menu the Ev to 1/100s and the ISO to 100. But i got different results.
This is a complicated setup there's no way we can know what you've done from a one sentence post.

Some guesses:
* By default, the CHDK option "disabled overrides at startup" is checked by default. When that is checked, any settings you set in the CHDK menu will only take effect until you restart. If you want the override to be kept between reboots, uncheck the option.
* Maybe the script you are using is setting things differently from the overrides
* Maybe the script you are using is shooting in a way that causes overrides to fail

I would generally suggest setting the exposure using multicam calls rather than on the camera. The mc:shoot function supports with with the tv and sv options, but the script you are using sends the camera side "shoot" command directly.

Assuming your code uses the 'prep' case in mc:jmod before each shot, you could modify it to set the exposure, changing
Code: [Select]
self:cmdwait('call set_prop(props.FLASH_MODE, 2)',{printcmd=false})

To something like
Code: [Select]
self:cmdwait('call set_prop(props.FLASH_MODE, 2) set_prop(ISO_MODE, 100) set_tv96_direct('..exp.shutter_to_tv96(1/100)..')',{printcmd=false})
Note this is off the top of my head, I have not tested it.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline Jaki

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Re: Multicam synch with different cameras via PTP
« Reply #21 on: 03 / May / 2019, 08:14:45 »
I understand.....You have to litlle info to help me. Some times I don`t know what all I have to send you so you could help me. Sorry for that. Appreciate very much.


Offline Jaki

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Re: Multicam synch with different cameras via PTP
« Reply #22 on: 03 / May / 2019, 08:42:01 »
I understand.....You have to litlle info to help me. Some times I don`t know what all I have to send you so you could help me. Sorry for that. Appreciate very much.

I try this one. I hope this time i send you enough info.

In the multycam.lua file I have a paragraph for downloading images from the SD card. And I have to put a name in the fiel under SHOOT NAME.....for the mape, which will be createdwhere the images will go. If I don`t put a name in the field, it warns me to put in "pleas choose a shoot name". That works fine.
I would need another warning. I`d need a warning not to overwrite an existing mape(file) if I forget to put a new shoot name. So I don`t overwrite the last created mape with the pictures.
And after the downlaod.....the function deletes the images too. I don`t want that. I have one other button for that that works very well.

if s == 'dl' then
      if n == "" then
         printf("please choose a shoot name\n")
         self.shootname = n
         printf("Shoot changed to '" .. self.shootname .. "'\n")
      -- self:cmdwait('play',{printcmd=false})
      quay = "imgdump/" .. self.shootname .. "/"
      self:download_images({dst = quay .. '${serial}.JPG', delete = true, overwrite = true})
      printf("images downloaded and erased from cameras\n",{printcmd=false})


Offline reyalp

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Re: Multicam synch with different cameras via PTP
« Reply #23 on: 03 / May / 2019, 23:38:56 »
I understand.....You have to litlle info to help me. Some times I don`t know what all I have to send you so you could help me.
It's not just that, to debug your setup, I'd have to actually reproduce it and try it. I'm happy to guess and try to point at places to look though.

I would need another warning. I`d need a warning not to overwrite an existing mape(file) if I forget to put a new shoot name. So I don`t overwrite the last created mape with the pictures.
FWIW, the code you posted looks like it would try to download anyway, after it prints "please choose a shoot name".

You add a return after that to avoid this, like
Code: [Select]
      if n == "" then
         printf("please choose a shoot name\n")
To warn if the name has already been used, you could check if the directory already exits, by adding something like
Code: [Select]
if lfs.attributes('imgdump/' .. self.shootname,'mode') == 'directory' then
  printf("shoot name already used\n")
just above the commented out '-- self:cmdwait..."

And after the downlaod.....the function deletes the images too. I don`t want that. I have one other button for that that works very well.
To not delete, you can just remove the 'delete=true' from the self:download_images line, but if you do that, it will download all images, every time. If that isn't what you want, you'll need to change the command to only download the most recent image. You can do this using lastimg=1 like I suggested earlier, but this may have some problems when the image counter changes (going from 9999 to 1 or whatever)
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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