Barney, thanks so much for Auto CHDK to EXIF v1.2
I have a question about how it works, though. It seems I can use it even if I didn't use CHDK to take a picture, right? In place of ExifTool to get the ISO info into the proper field where most apps expect it.
When I use it on a CHDK picture, it uses the real values rather than the marketing values, yeah? So I might see ISO 120 instead of ISO 100. That's great.
But here is where I get a little confused. If I set the shutter speed to 1/100,000 it will tell me something like 1/99,384. But based on what I've read, the shutter can't go that fast. Similarly, it will report ISO 16 when we know the ISO in fact doesn't go that low. I unserstand why it is reporting those numbers (because that is what I set in CHDK) but is there an easy way to know when to trust the reported numbers and when the reported numbers are just what I was hoping to get?