shutter hesitation SX100 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

shutter hesitation SX100

  • 4 Replies
shutter hesitation SX100
« on: 23 / June / 2019, 12:30:21 »
    Is there a way of incorporating a very slight hesitation between the time the shutter button is completely depressed and the time the shutter fires; just to reduce any camera movement resulting from pushing the button.
...... john

Re: shutter hesitation SX100
« Reply #1 on: 23 / June / 2019, 12:45:34 »
Is there a way of incorporating a very slight hesitation between the time the shutter button is completely depressed and the time the shutter fires;
Off hand, I can think of three ways to do this.

  • Enable the built-in Canon 2 second self timer.
  • Write a little script that pauses when started and then shoots.  If you have your camera in <ALT> mode when you press the shutter button, that would get you whatever delay you programmed into the script and then a shot.
  • Hack CHDK to allow it to intercept the normal shooting process and insert a delay.

The easiest solution is #1 but 2 seconds might be too long of a delay? Solution #2 is workable but you have to remember to have the necessary script loaded and you have to be in <ALT> mode when you shoot.  Solution #3 will require somebody to implement it and test.

Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: shutter hesitation SX100
« Reply #2 on: 23 / June / 2019, 14:30:10 »
Hi Waterwingz,          My intuition tells me that this would be a useful feature, but I haven't really tried it out yet; so ..... I'll try the 2 second pause for a while and see if it's an improvement over no pause. (It seems like 1 second would be about right.)
       I 'think' that options 2 and 3 don't allow the versatility of option 1 i.e. they cannot be started and stopped so readily; but I take it that the two second (built in pause) cannot be hacked to one second?Thanks,
...... john 

Re: shutter hesitation SX100
« Reply #3 on: 23 / June / 2019, 15:25:10 »
I 'think' that options 2 and 3 don't allow the versatility of option 1 i.e. they cannot be started and stopped so readily;
Well actually, if you setup option 2 then you can press the <ALT> key and then the shutter button to shoot with a delay. Or leave the camera in normal mode if you don't press the <ALT> key and you get no delay.  That seems faster / more convenient that navigating to the Canon Self Timer menu ?

I take it that the two second (built in pause) cannot be hacked to one second?
I don't know.  It's probably a simple change but someone would have to figure out where the self timer value is stored and change it, or hack the shooting sequence and change the time value on the fly.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: shutter hesitation SX100
« Reply #4 on: 23 / June / 2019, 16:06:35 »
Yes, I stand corrected. Option #2 would seem easier.Thanks again,..... john


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