Hello, here are some script and PTP test results for the IXUS 185 CHDK rev 5233:
01. PASS Free RAM 3174160 bytes
02. PASS Zebra displays OK
03. PASS Edge overlay displays OK
04. PASS CHDK PTP GUI connects OK
05. PASS CHDK PTP GUI shows play mode
06. PASS CHDK PTP GUI switches to shooting mode on GUI rec button
07. PASS CHDK PTP GUI shows live viewfinder and UI Overlay
08. PASS Basic USB remote test works (enable remote, remote sync)
09. FAIL isobase.lua set CAM_MARKET_ISO_BASE 200, script does not pause on wait_click()
10. ? mftest.lua shows PASS, but mf_ixus185.csv contains:
1) Testing initial conditions
...interlock bypass function available
...set_mf function available
...start, , , ,1,0,0,0
11. FAIL llibtst.lua (os FAIL 1)
os.stat("A/MDTST0/TEST0.DAT"): ERR expected mtime=441763200 not 1566038946 FAIL
12. PASS setmode.lua
13. ? ubtest.bas Auto-Zoom button shows as erase
14. ? ubtest.bas Tv+2 looks underexposed, similar to Sv-2
15. ? MD_tune.bas min 50 max 90 avg 65
16. PASS hooktest.lua
17. FAIL PTP camtests reconnect
reconnect:failed C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\camtests.lua:517: no matching device
stack traceback:
C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\camtests.lua:169: in function 'cliexec'
C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\camtests.lua:517: in function <C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\camtests.lua:515>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\camtests.lua:528: in function 'run'
C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\camtests.lua:587: in function 'runbatch'
[string "require'camtests'.runbatch{bench=true,filexfe..."]:1: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\cli.lua:733: in function <C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\cli.lua:724>
(...tail calls...)
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\cli.lua:285: in function 'execute'
C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\main.lua:210: in function 'do_execute_option'
C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\main.lua:247: in function 'do_no_gui_startup'
C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\main.lua:282: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
[string "require('main')"]:1: in main chunk
- gjl2599