Ixus 185 porting thread - page 4 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

Ixus 185 porting thread

  • 68 Replies
Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #30 on: 11 / July / 2019, 01:24:15 »
thanks for the help but it didnt seem to work... the menu button still doesnt work (it just brings up the camera menu.
Something else thats interesting on this firmware when i half press the shutter the script menu comes up as before but then the func/set button wont work to actually go in to select a script.
Oh and when i trigger the camera on CHDK (i cant load the UAV script) it does the same it clicks and the zoom extends and retracts but no picture is saved...
Is there any way i can help??
OK. At this point, please forget about loading a script and triggering the camera for a moment. The port apparently has problems, and those need to be solved first.

I'm attaching a build that is identical to the one I posted earlier. Only difference is that it can now be loaded via the "firm update" menu too. That will hopefully reduce the possibility of mixing up builds.

Since I can't figure out what's happening with the keyboard, can you make a short video that demonstrates what happens when you press various buttons?

If the keyboard is still a mess, then I guess the next move will be a test build with all task overrides removed and keyboard debug display added.

Good morning, so i downloaded your new version and it works perfectly!!! CHDK loads menu works and even the scripts looks like they work (i was able to take pics with it!!)

I think the fact that i was using the update firmware the entire time might have been the problem? i didnt use the autoboot (didnt know i had to) ill play with it some more and report back.
is there anything specific i should test or let you know>???

THANKS SO MUCH TO EVERYONE HERE!!! saved me buying other cameras!!!!

now to test a bit and then i can try mapping some places!!


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #31 on: 13 / July / 2019, 16:43:14 »
I added the port to svn, mostly as-is.

If anyone with this camera would like to see this port in autobuild, please help us by doing tests and providing feedback. https://chdk.fandom.com/wiki/Testing

Attached a build, made from current svn source.
« Last Edit: 09 / August / 2019, 11:45:32 by srsa_4c »

Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #32 on: 23 / July / 2019, 12:26:37 »
I added the port to svn, mostly as-is.

If anyone with this camera would like to see this port in autobuild, please help us by doing tests and providing feedback. https://chdk.fandom.com/wiki/Testing

Ill definitly test some more for you, ive been down sick for a little while but getting back on my feet!
So in the next week ill try and run through the tests :)

Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #33 on: 16 / August / 2019, 23:09:39 »
Hello, here are some script and PTP test results for the IXUS 185 CHDK rev 5233:
01. PASS Free RAM 3174160 bytes
02. PASS Zebra displays OK
03. PASS Edge overlay displays OK
04. PASS CHDK PTP GUI connects OK
05. PASS CHDK PTP GUI shows play mode
06. PASS CHDK PTP GUI switches to shooting mode on GUI rec button
07. PASS CHDK PTP GUI shows live viewfinder and UI Overlay
08. PASS Basic USB remote test works (enable remote, remote sync)
09. FAIL isobase.lua set CAM_MARKET_ISO_BASE 200, script does not pause on wait_click()
10. ?     mftest.lua shows PASS, but mf_ixus185.csv contains:
         1) Testing initial conditions
         ...interlock bypass function available
         ...set_mf function available
         ...start, , , ,1,0,0,0
11. FAIL llibtst.lua (os FAIL 1)
         os.stat("A/MDTST0/TEST0.DAT"): ERR expected mtime=441763200 not 1566038946 FAIL
12. PASS setmode.lua
13. ?     ubtest.bas Auto-Zoom button shows as erase
14. ?     ubtest.bas Tv+2 looks underexposed, similar to Sv-2
15. ?     MD_tune.bas min 50 max 90 avg 65
16. PASS hooktest.lua
17. FAIL PTP camtests reconnect
         reconnect:failed C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\camtests.lua:517: no matching device
         stack traceback:
                 C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\camtests.lua:169: in function 'cliexec'
                 C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\camtests.lua:517: in function <C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\camtests.lua:515>
                 [C]: in function 'xpcall'
                 C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\camtests.lua:528: in function 'run'
                 C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\camtests.lua:587: in function 'runbatch'
                 [string "require'camtests'.runbatch{bench=true,filexfe..."]:1: in main chunk
                 [C]: in function 'xpcall'
                 C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\cli.lua:733: in function <C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\cli.lua:724>
                 (...tail calls...)
                 [C]: in function 'xpcall'
                 C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\cli.lua:285: in function 'execute'
                 C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\main.lua:210: in function 'do_execute_option'
                 C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\main.lua:247: in function 'do_no_gui_startup'
                 C:\utils\chdkptp-r795\lua\main.lua:282: in main chunk
                 [C]: in function 'require'
                 [string "require('main')"]:1: in main chunk

- gjl2599
Regards - gjl2599


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #34 on: 17 / August / 2019, 12:29:14 »
Hello, here are some script and PTP test results for the IXUS 185 CHDK rev 5233:
Thanks for these, hopefully reyalp can help out with the PTP one.

Can you post the whole llibtst.log?

Also, if possible, can you collect a list of shooting modes like this:

In CHDK menu, navigate to Miscellaneous stuff -> Debug parameters
set Debug data display [Props], Propcase page [5]
Exit CHDK menu, you'll get a list on screen (50...59).
The numeric ID of current shooting mode is displayed after 56:
Please note the number displayed there as you go through all shooting modes.
You can change shooting modes in the SET menu in rec mode, plus you can enter/exit auto mode on a different key press (probably "up").

How do you start CHDK (autoboot from locked card, or via Firm update menu) and what is the size of the card?
« Last Edit: 17 / August / 2019, 13:13:28 by srsa_4c »

Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #35 on: 17 / August / 2019, 19:17:20 »
Hi srsa_4c,
Thank you for your efforts in this community.
  • CHDK is started by autoboot from locked card
  • Card is 32GB
  • LLIBTST.LOG attached
  • Shooting modes:
    • 32768 = Auto
    • 32773 = Program AE
    • 32775 = Long Shutter
    • 32790 = Portrait
    • 32800 = Fireworks
    • 32814 = Low Light (5M)
    • 33331 = Super vivid
    • 33332 = Poster effect
    • 33333 = FaceSelf-Timer
    • 33336 = Fish-eye effect
    • 33337 = Miniature effect
    • 33340 = Toy camera effect
    • 33344 = Monochrome
    • 33348 = Digital IS
  • Yes, the up key is also Auto/Erase
  • What are the most significant functions to test apart from the test scripts (what is more likely to break in a new port)?
Regards - gjl2599
Regards - gjl2599

Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #36 on: 17 / August / 2019, 20:54:49 »
Also ran isoinc.lua and ndtest.lua, results attached.
Regards - gjl2599


Offline reyalp

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Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #37 on: 17 / August / 2019, 21:27:09 »
Hi @gjl2599

For the chdkptp camtests tests:
What OS are you running chdkptp on?
Is it only the 'reconnect' test that fails?
After reconnect fails, is the camera still working normally, or is it crashed?

Also, if you can please run ndtest.lua, as described in https://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=13228.msg141087#msg141087 that would be helpful

Oops, see you already did that. Thanks :D
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #38 on: 17 / August / 2019, 21:47:20 »
Hi @reyalp,
Thank you, too, for your CHDK work.
  • OS is Windows 10 64-bit
  • chdkptp-r795, libusb-win32, loaded with zadig 2.4
  • Yes, only reconnect fails (log attached)
  • Camera does not crash, and works OK as far as I can tell[/i]
Regards - gjl2599
Regards - gjl2599


Offline reyalp

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Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #39 on: 17 / August / 2019, 21:56:20 »
Camera does not crash, and works OK as far as I can tell
OK, can you try from CLI? With the camera plugged in, start chdkptp with
Code: [Select]
chdkptp -c -i
Then run
Code: [Select]
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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