Ixus 185 porting thread - page 5 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

Ixus 185 porting thread

  • 68 Replies
Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #40 on: 18 / August / 2019, 04:54:08 »
This works from the CLI:
Code: [Select]
:\utils\chdkptp-r795>chdkptp -c -i
connected: Canon IXUS 185 , max packet size 512
con> list
*1:Canon IXUS 185  b=bus-0 d=\\.\libusb0-0002--0x04a9-0x32d4 v=0x4a9 p=0x32d4 s=C80A08B1BE404D9CA055C3402EBD7843
con> reconnect
con> list
*1:Canon IXUS 185  b=bus-0 d=\\.\libusb0-0002--0x04a9-0x32d4 v=0x4a9 p=0x32d4 s=C80A08B1BE404D9CA055C3402EBD7843
I went back to the camtests script and ran it 5 times without error, so it looks like the original failure could have been caused by prior failures - I neglected to restart CHDK between each test.
Regards - gjl2599
Regards - gjl2599


Offline reyalp

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Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #41 on: 18 / August / 2019, 15:53:18 »
I went back to the camtests script and ran it 5 times without error, so it looks like the original failure could have been caused by prior failures - I neglected to restart CHDK between each test.
Regards - gjl2599
Thanks. I think whatever this is, it's unlikely to be a bug in the ixus 185 CHDK port, since connect/disconnect doesn't really involve much CHDK code.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #42 on: 19 / August / 2019, 07:49:29 »
Some more test results:
17. PASS PTP camtests retest
18. WARN dng_validate *** Warning: UniqueCameraModel string has trailing blanks ***
19. PASS DNG files align with JPG files
20. PASS DNG saved on quick shutter press
21. PASS CRW files align with JPG
22. PASS CRW saved in single and continuous mode, numbering OK
23. PASS CRW saved with JPG, in A/RAW/, and in A/DCIM/101__01/
24. PASS No raw in Digital IS
25. PASS Raw saved in all other modes, including AUTO
26. PASS Play button short press enters ALT mode
27. PASS Play button long press enters play mode
28. PASS ALT Menu shows Main Menu
29. PASS Main Menu navigation
30. PASS Disable overrides works for Tv and ISO overrides
31. PASS Tv override works for EvStep, ShrtExp, LongExp
32. PASS ISO override works
33. PASS No aperture override menu option
34. ?       Subject Distance override - camera still seems to autofocus on near subject with 32000 override (32m)
Regards - gjl2599
Regards - gjl2599


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #43 on: 19 / August / 2019, 11:06:48 »
18. WARN dng_validate *** Warning: UniqueCameraModel string has trailing blanks ***
Can you check following:
In Miscellaneous stuff -> Debug parameters
set Debug data display [Params], Propcase/ParamsData page [ 0]
After exiting CHDK menu, you should see the camera name somewhere in the list (Something like Canon IXUS 185). Which number is displayed in front of that row?

edit: It should be 3. Are there any spaces after the camera name?
34. ?       Subject Distance override - camera still seems to autofocus on near subject with 32000 override (32m)
Noted, still todo.

Can you run the llibtst script after you made a photo with the camera, and upload llibtst.log?
« Last Edit: 19 / August / 2019, 12:41:53 by srsa_4c »

Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #44 on: 19 / August / 2019, 16:20:05 »
  • Camera name is item 3, and has one trailing space
  • Reran llibtst after shooting a frame, log attached
Regards - gjl2599
Regards - gjl2599


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #45 on: 19 / August / 2019, 17:20:32 »
  • Camera name is item 3, and has one trailing space
  • Reran llibtst after shooting a frame, log attached
Thank you.
I don't know whether that trailing space has the potential of causing trouble, seems a minor issue to me.

The llibtst issue is bigger: the camera's stat structure has changed and it is causing some (1 word) corruption in the CHDK RAM area stack. This will need to be dealt with.

The stat struct change seems to be tied to DryOS r59 (checked sx430, sx730, m100), but more verification is needed.

Checked almost all r58 cams, all have the old stat struct.
CAM_DRYOS_2_3_R59 is due.

For some (to me) unknown reason, gcc allocates extra space for stack vars in our stat() implementation. As a result, the firmware stat function had no chance to corrupt anything.
« Last Edit: 20 / August / 2019, 18:03:27 by srsa_4c »

Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #46 on: 20 / August / 2019, 07:27:06 »
More testing, only non-PASS shown.
38. ?    Manual Flash Only in Video - not sure how to test
39. N/A  Hotshoe override
42. N/A  Override JPEG Quality
44. TODO? Subject Distance Bracketing -/+ 10m
51. ?    Custom Auto ISO IS factor does not seem to affect auto ISO
More results in a couple of days.
Regards - gjl2599
Regards - gjl2599


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #47 on: 20 / August / 2019, 17:57:26 »
Attached is a new test build.
- fix for the stat() issue, llibtst should now work
- enabled jpeg quality override
- enabled subject distance override in AF (that is, without AF lock or MF lock)
- added the missing mode to mode list

So, to re-test:
- llibtst.lua
- is JPEG quality override effective?
- does subject distance override work when selected in CHDK menu
- mftest.lua

IS factor is only effective on cameras with image stabilizer.

Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #48 on: 21 / August / 2019, 06:53:01 »
Thank you for the new build.
11. PASS llibtst.lua
42. PASS Override JPEG Quality Sup.Fin 7062K, Fine 4262K, Normal 1904K, Off 1906K
34. PASS Subject Distance Override On (32m) no autofocus
52. FAIL Subject Distance Override Inf camera autofocuses and SD Override changes to Off in CHDK menu
10. FAIL mftest.lua (log and screenshot attached)
Regards - gjl2599


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Ixus 185 porting thread
« Reply #49 on: 22 / August / 2019, 19:54:59 »
11. PASS llibtst.lua
42. PASS Override JPEG Quality Sup.Fin 7062K, Fine 4262K, Normal 1904K, Off 1906K
34. PASS Subject Distance Override On (32m) no autofocus
52. FAIL Subject Distance Override Inf camera autofocuses and SD Override changes to Off in CHDK menu
10. FAIL mftest.lua (log and screenshot attached)
Thanks for these. I added the test build's changes to svn.
mftest: the log says passed, the screenshot says failed  :blink:
52: That might be a glitch in CHDK. Try overriding SD to something and then enable the Inf setting.


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