Good that you mention it, i wanted to make the menu more comprehensive.
the manual is already for the 4.3 software. sorry about that
well, yes reboot is in the 4.1, but that's still close to the version from reyalps' Ultimate Intervalometer. So it might or might not work, depending on cam model, run time and some other settings....and i cannot tell when it will or won't finish reboot.
if it is about the clock, reyalp is right if you want an exact time, you should use an external clock with chdkptp or a cam that has an internet connection.
most of my 'off grid' cams run away by 1-2 minutes a month, most too fast, some too slow. (even withing same model versions there is a lot of difference)
For me, this time correction (with a lot of testing) makes it close to 30 seconds every 3-4 month. so i still have to reset the clock manually every now and then. the difference that remains changes seasonal with temp and maybe other external influences.
If a few minutes a year is no reason to go for the external clock synchronization and you like the limited hardware setup....i'll put the launch of 4.3 beta to alpha on my todo list.
I love the one you made, what is it? every 10 seconds? soooo, that would create 60.000 a week.....I hope you have enough HDD space prepared for that, because it piles up quickly
i don't make as much and already i would really like some software that sorts out 'change' or specific events and would be willing to train some AI for that.
but i'm out of my league there, so i think that will remain a dream.
about the window reflection: a double box around the cam against the glass will suffice, otherwise you could try to place the cam on your balcony in a box, like this one I made from an electrical junction box: