SUIx, comprehensive long duration intervalometer. Something for you? - page 6 - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum

SUIx, comprehensive long duration intervalometer. Something for you?

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Offline jonemo

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Re: SUIx, comprehensive long duration intervalometer. Something for you?
« Reply #50 on: 01 / November / 2021, 01:21:51 »
well, actually when the card is full it should not set autostart, since there is no space it should shut down without starting up again, and again, and again, and...

To be clear: I didn't suggest automatically restarting when the disk is full. What I meant is to shut the camera down but have SUIx auto-start whenever the next (manual) start of the camera happens. If the user starts the camera when the SD card is still full, they would observe the camera shut down again with the relevant onscreen message. Or if they emptied the SD card in the meantime, everything would "just work" again.

you can also remove lines 1023-1031 and it will disable a shutdown due to low jpg count.

I actually tried that. When SUIx no longer triggers the shutdown, the camera firmware itself shows an error on the display stating that the SD card is full. I'm pretty sure Caefix is right: There is no way around the restart to get the free-space counter to reset.


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Re: SUIx, comprehensive long duration intervalometer. Something for you?
« Reply #51 on: 01 / November / 2021, 02:30:14 »
If the cam is set to autostart it will do that every time it is booted, that is how it works. There 'should' be no difference if it is a boot or reboot.

however if it shuts down because the card is full it won't enable reboot and autostart.
setting autostart is done before a shutdown with the params available at that moment.
« Last Edit: 01 / November / 2021, 08:00:26 by Mlapse »
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Re: SUIx, comprehensive long duration intervalometer. Something for you?
« Reply #52 on: 01 / November / 2021, 02:59:32 »
 I won't say it isn't possible that the (re)boot function checks get_free_disk_space() on boot.
but since it is not SUIx but CHDK i can't do that.....yet  :) hence, this feature request is one for the more experienced CHDK engineers.
« Last Edit: 01 / November / 2021, 03:06:33 by Mlapse »
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Offline Caefix

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Re: SUIx, comprehensive long duration intervalometer. Something for you?
« Reply #53 on: 02 / November / 2021, 15:29:26 »
more work needed there to deal with annoying problems such as birds
;) ... Apparently I saw a strange artefact ...  :blink:

« Last Edit: 03 / November / 2021, 11:09:57 by Caefix »
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Re: SUIx, comprehensive long duration intervalometer. Something for you?
« Reply #54 on: 02 / November / 2021, 15:38:34 »
;) ... Apparently I saw a strange artefact ...  :blink:

It surprises and confuses, we usually call that art  :)
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Offline reyalp

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Re: SUIx, comprehensive long duration intervalometer. Something for you?
« Reply #55 on: 02 / November / 2021, 20:50:07 »
I won't say it isn't possible that the (re)boot function checks get_free_disk_space() on boot.
but since it is not SUIx but CHDK i can't do that.....yet  :) hence, this feature request is one for the more experienced CHDK engineers.
CHDK engineer reporting, but I don't really understand the issue or request here.

CHDK does not check free disk space at boot, and has no reason too. If there is ~0 free space on the card, CHDK might not work correctly (failing to update config or script settings), but generally when there isn't room for another jpeg, there will still be at least tens of KB free.

As far as I understand @jonemo's issue, it appears to be that get_jpg_count() doesn't reflected images deleted via a flashair card, and some issue with the subsequent behavior of suix.lua:
I use a Wifi-SD card (Flashair) to get the photos off the camera continuously. But the get_jpg_count() counter doesn't know that I am deleting photos in the background and keeps decrementing the counter of how much space is left.

Caefix seemed to suggest that the "ghost files" left by remoteshoot or deleting with os.remove() affect the the jpeg count, but I did not observe this on elph130 or elph180. My observation on those cameras is that the displayed get_jpg_count() updates on half press, shoot or play/rec transition, and reflects actual file space. Deleting files with os.remove affects the jpeg count, even if the files are outside of DCIM. Similarly, remoteshoot with dummy files doesn't affect the free count.

It's quite possible other cameras behave differently, @jonemo, which camera are you using?

It is also possible (and quite likely) IMO, that the problem is because the Canon OS is unaware of the flashair deleting files. In that case, a reboot is probably required, and the correct solution is to keep autostart enabled, despite the card reporting full.

This might be enough of a corner case that's it's not worth adding an "official" option to SUIx, but it should be trivial to add as a local mod in @jonemo's copy. Presumably,
Code: [Select]
        -- shut down camera if SD card is full
            if (jpg_count ~= nil) then
                if (jpg_count < 2 ) then
                    printf("SD card full - shutting down")
could be changed to call camera_reboot or or just do the part with
Code: [Select]
        set_autostart(2)               -- autostart once

Another alternative might be to only use the flashair to download files, and rely on the script to delete them. However, keeping them in sync might require some though.

Some previous discussion of flashair cards and issues with changes from the flashair side:
« Last Edit: 02 / November / 2021, 21:07:19 by reyalp »
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Offline Caefix

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Re: SUIx, comprehensive long duration intervalometer. Something for you?
« Reply #56 on: 03 / November / 2021, 17:01:58 »
;) ... Apparently I saw a strange artefact ...  :blink:

It surprises and confuses, we usually call that art  :)

 :-[  More art ...  :blink:
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Offline jonemo

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Re: SUIx, comprehensive long duration intervalometer. Something for you?
« Reply #57 on: 08 / November / 2021, 01:43:49 »
CHDK engineer reporting, but I don't really understand the issue or request here.

I don't think there is a request here, at least not from me. I mentioned my observations related to how free storage space is determined only to explain why I benefit from the automatic reboot feature in SUIx. I'm interested in understanding the observed behavior better, but certainly wouldn't request a change for my very obscure use case.

After reading the messages above and further experimentation I now understand that both SUIx and the camera have independent mechanism for preventing the capture of further photos when the SD card should be full (but isn't, due to my use of Flashair for deleting photos).

@jonemo, which camera are you using?

My camera is a Powershot SX40 HS. As noted above, my method of deleting files is directly through the Flashair (via HTTP requests over WLAN).

This might be enough of a corner case that's it's not worth adding an "official" option to SUIx, but it should be trivial to add as a local mod in @jonemo's copy. Presumably,
Code: [Select]
        -- shut down camera if SD card is full
            if (jpg_count ~= nil) then
                if (jpg_count < 2 ) then
                    printf("SD card full - shutting down")
could be changed to call camera_reboot or or just do the part with
Code: [Select]
        set_autostart(2)               -- autostart once

That's a clever idea! I will try this out the next time I have access to the card for updating files (sadly, no reliable way to write files over Flashair...)


Offline jonemo

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Re: SUIx, comprehensive long duration intervalometer. Something for you?
« Reply #58 on: 08 / November / 2021, 01:52:20 »
It surprises and confuses, we usually call that art  :)

 :-[  More art ...  :blink:

Art indeed. Somewhere between the 10 year old camera and the Flashair card of questionable origin these artifacts get introduced. I have a way of detecting and filtering those photos but have yet to find time to add it to the script that makes the daily video...


Offline Mlapse

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Re: SUIx, comprehensive long duration intervalometer. Something for you?
« Reply #59 on: 09 / November / 2021, 06:02:17 »
it might happen if your flashcard gets fairly full (virtual or real?)
i've experienced series of damaged images when card space was over 80% filled up. Not always, but once every 3 runs or so.
Since I don't let that happen anymore i haven't had any corrupted images.

As i had a busy week developing and throwing away version 1.X, i've updated the regular one. Version 0.5.5 is live with updated manual.
Be aware! If you use a version <0.5 due to core changes you'll have to go to the menu and (re)set settings before starting the script or it won't work properly.
Also, log layout has changed considerably, as a result automated extractions need to be altered.

Although >1s exposure profiles haven't been altered, I've added a diagram in the new manual to explain the result of the different darkening profiles.
If you think there is need of a lighter or darker profile for a certain cam/sensor combination.
Or if you have thoughts about the changes, post your experience.
« Last Edit: 09 / November / 2021, 10:57:57 by Mlapse »
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