local iso = get_sv96()myshoot()set_sv96(iso+96*4)myshoot()set_sv96(iso)
Hope you can help as I'm get some strange results on my M3.Here is the code:Code: [Select]local iso = get_sv96()myshoot()set_sv96(iso+96*4)myshoot()set_sv96(iso)All I'm trying to do is lift the ISO by 4 stops, eg from 100, say, to 1600.The above gives me 400 and also 400 even if I use 96*8.Any ideas?
function myshoot() local prevcnt = hook_shoot.count() local rawprevcnt = hook_raw.count() press 'shoot_full_only' repeat sleep(10) until prevcnt ~= hook_shoot.count() release 'shoot_full_only' repeat sleep(10) until rawprevcnt ~= hook_raw.count()end
Using the set/get_iso_mode works for me, ie I'm only switching between 100 and 1600.
Strange that the sv function doesn't work, as that code snippet I posted is between a half press sequence, ie I use repeated calls of myshoot between the half pressCode: [Select]function myshoot() local prevcnt = hook_shoot.count() local rawprevcnt = hook_raw.count() press 'shoot_full_only' repeat sleep(10) until prevcnt ~= hook_shoot.count() release 'shoot_full_only' repeat sleep(10) until rawprevcnt ~= hook_raw.count()end
Using set_sv96 inside half press sets the values immediately, but because it isn't coordinated with the rest of the Canon shooting process, it may be sensitive to timing or behave somewhat differently from outside half press.
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