Multiple Bug's (Live View / Zoom / Shoot) - page 9 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Multiple Bug's (Live View / Zoom / Shoot)

  • 105 Replies

Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Multiple Bug's (Live View / Zoom / Shoot)
« Reply #80 on: 19 / October / 2019, 18:40:01 »
AF&MF no problem if !fwUpdate.
I'll try to stress again: my latest test builds only support autoboot. Whenever you load CHDK using the "firm update" menu, you're not running the test builds.

With the above sentence in mind, what are you referring to with
&&!! #74

I think, all those are dual zoom speed, in ZLI slow is is_key,
 fast is_pressed, if recognized (~1% hits).
I can't decode this, sorry.

I'd recommend testing set_zoom with a script that only does set_zoom and avoids messing with AF lock, button presses, shooting. A script like that is attached here.

And finally, please avoid editing your old, answered posts. It's hard to guess what you edited in or removed.


Offline Caefix

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Re: Multiple Bug's (Live View / Zoom / Shoot)
« Reply #81 on: 21 / October / 2019, 15:12:38 »
I'd recommend testing set_zoom with a script that only does set_zoom and avoids messing with AF lock, button presses, shooting.
I think, this part works.

ZLI= Zoom Lever Issue.
Dual/multispeedzoomcams have some kind of press "zoom_half" & "zoom_full".
zh is is_key, -> zoom speed 1
zf is is_pressed -->> speed 3
If the differenciation fails, scripts are affected and menusettings a bit uncomfortable.

&&!! #74 just a funny observation, importancy unknown.

CHDK_DE is more like a bookshelf, here happens a fast sedimentation, I try to combine that to keep the trail...
« Last Edit: 21 / October / 2019, 15:46:03 by Caefix »
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Offline Caefix

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Re: Multiple Bug's (Live View / Zoom / Shoot)
« Reply #82 on: 24 / October / 2019, 12:26:11 »
 :D SX710 again  :-*
ASSERT!! SsPrepareSeqBase.c Line 472 (RoD)
Occured Time  2019:10:24 15:41:46
Snapshot of what happened before entering CHDK for Romlog on demand.

Edit : Could be misunderstood. CHDK booted, played a bit in not alt mode, started script in get_text_mode.

Code: [Select]
00007390: UI:TerminateDeliverToZoomController
00007390: UI:VTMLock
00007390: UI:VTMReduuce
00007390: UI:UnpressZoomLever
00007390: UI:VTMLock
00007390: UI:VTMUnLock
00007400: UI:VTMLock
00007400: UI:VTMReduuce
00007400: UI:_fRemoteCapture->0
00007400: UI:_fRemoteReleaseSw1->0
00007400: UI:_EntryIdleShoot
00007400: UI:ShootState:0x0
00007400: UI:VTM SW
00007400: UI:VTMReduuce
00007400: UI:VTM SW
00007400: UI:VTMReduuce
00007400: UI:VTM SW
00007400: UI:VTMReduuce
00007410: UI:VTM SW
00007410: UI:VTMUnLock
00009020: UI:LogicalEvent:0x00003135:adr:0x1,Para:1

00009020: UI:ActivateZoomController
00009020: UI:DispSw: Lock
00009020: SS:LoadTest:9
00009020: UI:DSIC:1c,0
00009020: SS:Wide 2
00009020: UI:LogicalEvent:0x00003169:adr:0xa,Para:10
00009080: UI:LogicalEvent:0x00003135:adr:0,Para:0
00009080: UI:Button:0xFFFFFFFF:UnknowControlEvent
00009080: SS:CZ=3
00009080: UI:LogicalEvent:0x00003169:adr:0xa,Para:10
00009150: UI:LogicalEvent:0x00003169:adr:0x9,Para:9
00009150: UI:VTMLock
00009160: UI:VTMUnLock
00009210: UI:LogicalEvent:0x00003169:adr:0x6,Para:6
00009280: UI:LogicalEvent:0x00003169:adr:0x2,Para:2
00009350: UI:LogicalEvent:0x00003169:adr:0x1,Para:1
00009410: UI:LogicalEvent:0x00003169:adr:0,Para:0
00009480: UI:LogicalEvent:0x00003169:adr:0,Para:0
00009530: UI:LogicalEvent:0x00003169:adr:0,Para:0
00009630: UI:LogicalEvent:0x00003169:adr:0,Para:0
00009650: UI:ShootSeqToUI:0x0000200b:adr:0,Para:0
00009650: UI:ShootSeqToUI:0x0000200c:adr:0,Para:0
00009650: SS:StrbModChg
00009650: UI:cs m:31 rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00009650: UI:cs end m:31 rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00009670: UI:LogicalEvent:0x0000315b:adr:0x1,Para:1
00010440: UI:LogicalEvent:0x00003135:adr:0x2,Para:2
00010440: UI:Button:0x00000859:UnpressWideButton
00010440: SS:OptStop

00010440: UI:cs m:31 rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00010440: UI:cs end m:31 rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00010440: UI:DeactivateZoomController

00010440: UI:_ContiCount->0(6703)
00010440: UI:LogiEvnt_NotPowerType:0x000009a4:adr:0,Para:0
00010440: UI:LogiEvnt_NotPowerType:0x000009a2:adr:0,Para:0
00010440: UI:DispSw: Unlock
00010440: UI:DispSwCon:Unlock
00010440: UI:DSIC:6a,0

00010670: UI:Button:0x000009A1:PressSwOne
00010670: SS:PreBuf
00010670: SS:BitR
00010670: UI:ShtCon_ResetShootingNumber
00010670: UI:ShootState:0x1
00010670: UI:ShtCon_Activate
00010670: UI:DispSw: Lock
00010670: UI:VTMLock
00010670: UI:VTMUnLock
00010670: UI:ShtCon_ShutDownRecModeMenu
00010670: UI:DSIC:61,0
00010670: UI:VTMLock
00010680: UI:DSIC:d,0
00010710: UI:VTMUnLock
00010710: UI:VTMLock
00010710: UI:VTMReduuce
00010710: UI:LogicalEvent:0x00003136:adr:0,Para:0
00010710: UI:DSIC:d,0
00010710: UI:VTM SW
00010710: UI:VTMReduuce
00010710: UI:ShtCon_PrepareCapture
00010710: SS:PreCapt:3
00010710: UI:cs m:0 rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00010710: UI:ShootState:0x2
00010710: UI:ClearEventComp
00010730: UI:VTM SW
00010730: UI:VTMUnLock
00010800: UI:ShootSeqToUI:0x0000203c:adr:0,Para:0
00010810: UI:ShtCon_SetAFBeep
00010810: UI:DSIC:69,0
00010810: UI:VTMLock
00010820: UI:VTMUnLock
00010820: UI:VTMLock
00010820: UI:VTMReduuce
00010830: UI:VTM SW
00010830: UI:VTMUnLock
00010980: UI:cs override rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00010980: UI:ShootSeqToUI:0x00002006:adr:0x8350,Para:33616
00010980: UI:cs end m:0 rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00010980: UI:ShtCon_SetPreCapt
00010980: UI:VTMLock
00010990: UI:VTMUnLock
00010990: UI:Strobe:Close
00010990: UI:ChangePopupStrobe:Close
00010990: UI:VTMLock
00010990: UI:VTMUnLock
00011000: SS:PopChg
00011000: UI:cs m:31 rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00011000: UI:cs end m:31 rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00011000: UI:DSIC:62,1
00011000: UI:VTMLock
00011000: SS:IsCharge=1
00011010: UI:Button:0x000009A2:UnpressSwOne

00011030: UI:VTMUnLock
00011040: UI:_ResetShootingMode
00011040: UI:_EntryPrepareShoot
00011040: UI:ShootState:0x6
00011040: UI:_fRemoteReleaseSw1:0
00011040: UI:_IsExecRemoteCaptureW/O:(0 0)
00011040: UI:_fRemoteReleaseSw1:0
00011040: UI:DSIC:6a,0
00011040: UI:ShtCon_ResetShootingNumber
00011040: UI:_ExitSequence
00011040: UI:Sht_CancelStrobeChargeTimer
00011040: UI:DSIC:4c,0
00011040: UI:VTMLock
00011040: SS:IsCharge=1
00011040: UI:VTMReduuce
00011040: SS:CancelPre:3
00011040: UI:cs m:42 rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00011040: UI:cs end m:42 rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00011040: UI:cs m:3 rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00011100: UI:cs end m:3 rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00011100: SS:ChargeComplete
00011100: UI:DispSwCon_MuteOffPhysicalScreen
00011100: UI:Window Reduce MuteOff
00011100: UI:ShootState:0x0
00011100: UI:ShtCon_Deactivate
00011100: UI:ChangePopupStrobe:Close
00011100: UI:VTMLock
00011100: UI:VTMUnLock
00011100: UI:Window Re MuteOff
00011100: UI:Window MuteOff
00011100: UI:MuteOffPhysicalScreen
00011110: SS:StrbModChg
00011110: UI:cs m:31 rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00011110: UI:cs end m:31 rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00011110: UI:VTMLock
00011110: UI:VTMReduuce
00011110: UI:Strobe:Close
00011110: UI:DSIC:12,0
00011110: UI:DSIC:60,0
00011110: UI:DispSwCon_TurnOnDisplayDevice
00011110: UI:TurnOnDisplay
00011110: UI:DispSwCon_TurnOnBackLight
00011110: UI:TurnOnBackLight
00011110: UI:VTMLock
00011130: UI:Display_CaptInfo
00011160: UI:VTMUnLock
00011170: UI:DispSw: Unlock
00011170: UI:DispSwCon:Unlock

00011170: UI:TerminateDeliverToZoomController
00011170: UI:VTMLock
00011170: UI:VTMReduuce
00011170: UI:UnpressZoomLever
00011170: UI:VTMLock
00011170: UI:VTMReduuce
00011170: UI:VTMLock
00011170: UI:VTMReduuce
00011170: UI:_fRemoteCapture->0
00011170: UI:_fRemoteReleaseSw1->0
00011170: UI:_EntryIdleShoot
00011170: UI:ShootState:0x0
00011170: UI:VTM SW
00011170: UI:VTMReduuce
00011170: UI:VTM SW
00011170: UI:VTMReduuce
00011170: UI:VTM SW
00011170: UI:VTMReduuce
00011180: UI:VTM SW
00011180: UI:VTMUnLock
00011940: UI:LogicalEvent:0x0000315b:adr:0,Para:0

:...,....1....,....2....,....3....,....4..Autozum7 start ...
00015830: SS:AFL
00015830: UI:cs m:21 rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00016260: UI:cs end m:21 rb:0x41574352 i:3447
00016260: SS:AFL*

00016410: UI:Button:0x000009A1:PressSwOne

More off...
« Last Edit: 24 / October / 2019, 14:58:36 by Caefix »
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Offline reyalp

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Re: Multiple Bug's (Live View / Zoom / Shoot)
« Reply #83 on: 24 / October / 2019, 17:08:10 »
If you want me to do anything about these crashes, please describe the specific steps to trigger the crash.

If it's a script, identify the specific script and settings, or better, reduce the script to the minimum needed to trigger the problem.

If you don't have exact steps to reproduce the crash, describe what kind of things you are doing with the camera when it happens.

One clear, reproducible test case is more helpful than a dozen romlogs.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline Caefix

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Re: Multiple Bug's (Live View / Zoom / Shoot)
« Reply #84 on: 25 / October / 2019, 11:46:43 »
 :haha Still some milllions users have not tested, if the bug was nested.

" describe what kind of things you are doing with the camera when it happens."

How could I do that better then cam&Romlog? What information is missing?
I tried to figure out the working stuctures or where they break.

AFL without AFL* tells me, that anything between should or should not happen.
Same with a
00033490: UI:Button:0x000009A1:PressSwOne
without following
00033980: UI:Button:0x000009A2:UnpressSwOne
00036140: UI:Button:0x00000858:PressWideButton
00036140: UI:ActivateZoomController
00036750: UI:Button:0x00000859:UnpressWideButton
00036760: SS:OptStop
and so on...

Comparing romlogs, destilling the most suspicious line, thereĀ“s the recording of the others good for (or not?).
In the upper collection I focused on the timeline between booting and running soft crashtest.
:...,....1....,....2....,....3....,....4..Autozum7.lua start ...
The lower lines are in this context just eating space.
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Offline reyalp

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Re: Multiple Bug's (Live View / Zoom / Shoot)
« Reply #85 on: 25 / October / 2019, 13:12:01 »
" describe what kind of things you are doing with the camera when it happens."

How could I do that better then cam&Romlog? What information is missing?
Describe. With words.
using xyz.lua, with settings ___ and Canon firmware settings ___, the crash happens when the camera is (shooting, focusing, zooming...)

You don't need to describe *every* Canon setting, only ones that seem likely to be related. If the crash happens when you are messing with focus, it would be good to know the Canon focus settings. Shooting mode is usually good information too.

As I said before, those camera log messages you keep quoting are rarely informative on their own. The camera continuously produces a lot of these messages in normal operation, most of them have no connection to a crash. While one can often guess the general meaning, the exact significance of one being present or not is usually unknown.

Outside of the some specific cases, romlogs usually don't provide enough information to know what caused a crash. They tell you what assert in the Canon code was triggered, but little or no information about how that point was reached.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline Caefix

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Re: Multiple Bug's (Live View / Zoom / Shoot)
« Reply #86 on: 06 / November / 2019, 13:51:32 »
 )( :blink: )(  At the moment I prefere the undistorted for SX210,200,40?...
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Offline Caefix

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Re: Multiple Bug's (Live View / Zoom / Shoot)
« Reply #87 on: 07 / December / 2019, 12:36:05 »
Well, I know for sure, that some precious lines against )( are sedimented near...

       \  |  /
     --- ::) ---
       /  |  \
                                             /===================================                                =========================================================
PS: a list of some distorted after set_zoom cams ):((
Ixus 115,120,125,130,200,240,310,870+980, S90,95, SX 40,200,210,230
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Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Multiple Bug's (Live View / Zoom / Shoot)
« Reply #88 on: 07 / December / 2019, 14:46:22 »
I kind of lost track of what I was doing here. Previously done set_zoom tests are sadly not useful anymore as CAM_USE_ALT_PT_MoveOpticalZoomAt cameras no longer make an extra attempt to refocus after trunk changesets 5285...5288. That should make the crashes go away unless someone tries really hard.
I wonder if we should set all D4 and newer cams to use CAM_USE_ALT_PT_MoveOpticalZoomAt...


Offline reyalp

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Re: Multiple Bug's (Live View / Zoom / Shoot)
« Reply #89 on: 07 / December / 2019, 16:16:24 »
I wonder if we should set all D4 and newer cams to use CAM_USE_ALT_PT_MoveOpticalZoomAt...
That seems reasonable to me. Aside from the (now resolved) set focus/crash issues, I don't think we ever ran into a case where it was worse.

One catch, we don't actually identify cameras by Digic version anywhere.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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