Warmer one was shot on friday, with manual input of exposure values (using the menu, values I dont remember). These pics were not shot on the rig, so they don't have the best lighting conditions, it was intentional. Other two were shot today with values inserted (exact figures I inserted are 4 for aperture, 0.05 for shutter, 100 for ISO) and then in Auto. Both Auto pics are correct, but the others...?? Am I doing something wrong in the menu? Am I using the right format for values?? I'm puzzled. Check the code a couple of posts before.
I don't think you are doing something wrong, I'd guess it's either a problem with this specific camera, or a bug in the CHDK (or maybe a bug in multicam).
Am I correct that you only have one a3400? If you have more than one and they all have the same problem that would point to a port bug, but with only one, I'd suspect the camera.
Looking at the images, the auto images are roughly equal, but the exposure recorded is very different:
a2500 is 1/50, ISO 400
a3400 is 1/20, ISO 800
This is more than 2 stops different, and the A3400 is darker. These cameras don't have an adjustable aperture, so that must be the same if focal length is the same.
Ones explanation would be if the ND filter on the A3400 is physically stuck in, or CHDK is somehow putting it in unexpectedly.
Can you try shooting ND not specified, in and out, with no other exposure values set? Like
Main interest is a3400, but including one a2500 to compare would be worthwhile.
And finally, this was mentioned before in post #28 (sorry I'm going back to the basics). How should I insert this prompt option into the Shoot menu? I see and "end" there, not sure how to deal with it...
2) Have a final prompt to confirm after reading the values, like
if cli.readline('shoot (y/n)>') == 'y' then
mc:shoot({sd=dist, tv=exp.shutter_to_tv96(tonumber(shutter)), sv=exp.iso_to_sv96(ISO),av=exp.f_to_av96(fnum)})
I'm not sure I understand, the "end" goes with the preceding "if", so you should be able to just put the whole if / end block in your code where the shoot command was.