The syntax to turn an LED on and off from multicam would be like
!mc:cmdwait('call set_led(1,1)')
!mc:cmdwait('call set_led(1,0)')
I wanted to make it conditional,depending if they connected fine or not (is this a silly option?), thus the
if connect=true then !mc:cmdwait('call set_led(1,1)') I think I can manage that by myself, will try later.
Being able to add cameras while keeping the IDs of known ones does make sense.
That would be sweet
I'm not sure what to make of this. As I said before, the number aren't super accurate, but I'd expect them to be a bit closer than your description suggests.
One thing to check is whether focus override is actually working. For example, if you take a series of shots with sd=10, sd=100, sd=1000, sd=10000
You can do this without involving myfocustable.txt
I'm not sure what the images in your gallery are supposed to show. I didn't look closely at all of them, but the ones I did don't seem to be terribly out of focus.
The gallery pics are the result of preshoot and writefocustable commands. They are in good focus, distances are shown in the table. What I wanted to show, is the disparity between numbers, given the known distance of the subject (about 2 meters to all of the cameras). There's cameras focused at 90cms and others at 3,5m... Focus override does work, I did tests and figures around 1000 and 1200 worked best generally, but some cameras were out of focus. To me it seems like setting a numeric distance to all of them is unreliable in order to get the best focus. I guess different models interpret these distances differently? I think I'm getting better focus with a simple preshoot and not setting it manually...
What is the specific sequence of events that's triggering the error? Are you using the new zoom option on mc:shoot, or setting zoom as a standalone call to set_zoom()?
Are all of the cameras that are affected A2500? If so, are *all* of your A2500 affected, or just some?
What version of CHDK are you using?
The assert by itself may be be one we've seen before related to focus.
I'll check the version later, but it should be quite recent. The sequence is the one stated in #88. Connect, start, ID, init_sync and then call set_zoom (with the value stated in cli.readline). No camopts table yet, nor mc:shoot zoom... I did it the old fashioned way. Maybe they enter preshoot after init_sync and that causes problems? Regarding the romlog and the A2500s. It happens to 3 of them. Right now I'm not sure if I have more (there's a mix of 2400, 2500 and 2600) will check later, but it could be a model specific problem. In any case, is the assert too bad? are those cameras recoverable?
I'll keep you updated. Thanks
EDIT: It's version 1.4.1 5414. Correction it's two A2500 and one A2600, all have the same Romlog showing the assert mentioned before. And they keep crashing when zooming. The bunch of A2400 and A2300 (and the rest of the cameras) are working fine.