EOS M100 porting - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

EOS M100 porting

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Offline srsa_4c

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EOS M100 porting
« on: 01 / December / 2019, 13:21:37 »


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: EOS M100 porting
« Reply #1 on: 01 / December / 2019, 13:21:54 »
I decided to open the porting thread, even though I'm only posting the source of an incomplete port.

What works:
- RAW/DNG in modes that don't do multiple exposures or background video recording. I did not shoot a lot of these, but have not seen image corruption - to date. Raw hook address is determined using reyalp's method (fw routines are substantially different). Outside of shooting, the first raw buffer's address is returned which may not be a good idea as it might be used for other stuff by fw.
- llibtst.lua, shoot.lua
- PTP (live view untested and likely has issues)
- modules (hopefully all of them)
- ISO, Av, Tv overrides (not much tested though)
- USB remote, only tested briefly in non-sync mode. I have no idea what would happen with "sync" enabled, probably nothing good.

What doesn't:
- Mode change usually locks up the cam. Cause not determined yet, a certain fw task times out and runs into an assert.
- There is an ugly memory corruption issue which I can't currently reproduce. It appeared to be triggered by saving a romlog from menu, crash happened on the next GetMemInfo call. At least one fw variable (used by GetMemInfo) was corrupted.
- Video features, clean overlay, HDMI support are all unimplemented.
- ...


Offline c_joerg

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Re: EOS M100 porting
« Reply #2 on: 02 / December / 2019, 04:26:58 »
I decided to open the porting thread, even though I'm only posting the source of an incomplete port.

Everything looks very promising ...  :)
I would like to have a test version to test simple bracketing and interval scripts... 

Is the firmware also the “EFLensCom.MoveFocus” available?
Would be interested if that works like the M3.

M100 100a, M3 121a, G9x II (1.00c), 2*G1x (101a,100e), S110 (103a), SX50 (100c), SX230 (101a), S45,
Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/136329431@N06/albums
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrTH0tHy9OYTVDzWIvXEMlw/videos?shelf_id=0&view=0&sort=dd


Offline Caefix

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Re: EOS M100 porting
« Reply #3 on: 02 / December / 2019, 13:44:56 »
M39 & M42 adapters on the road. :)
Could then do some transporting & tests with Elmars,  Flektogon 2.8/20 mm...
Lua & uBasic...
« Last Edit: 02 / December / 2019, 14:03:53 by Caefix »
All lifetime is a loan from eternity.


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: EOS M100 porting
« Reply #4 on: 02 / December / 2019, 14:56:45 »
I would like to have a test version to test simple bracketing and interval scripts... 
That will have to wait, unfortunately. I'm still finding things that crash, for example the focus script you mentioned. Something inside get_dofinfo.

Also, the memory corruption bug is there again. It somehow seems to be connected to free space or the amount of files...
Is the firmware also the “EFLensCom.MoveFocus” available?
Those eventprocs are there.


Offline reyalp

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Re: EOS M100 porting
« Reply #5 on: 07 / December / 2019, 00:47:42 »
I decided to open the porting thread, even though I'm only posting the source of an incomplete port.
I checked in just the finsig_thumb2 and dancing bits changes from this patch. I wanted to add m100 to my finsig tests, and figured it would be better to use the latest.

The finsig changes reference propset12, which I didn't add, but it seems to be an exact match for sx730 so a propset using those values will likely get added one way or another.
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Offline srsa_4c

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Re: EOS M100 porting
« Reply #6 on: 27 / December / 2019, 16:48:15 »
No source update for now as my boot.c has some messy debug stuff in it.
- Mode change usually locks up the cam. Cause not determined yet, a certain fw task times out and runs into an assert.
This seems not to happen if I execute the SetCurrentCaptureModeType call via the CtrlSrv task*. Could be a red herring though, as I was getting a different assert after changing the CreateTask hooking code to a safer one.

As it usually happens, I'm not getting memory corruption related issues ever since I have memory corruption check debug code in my builds.

*I think I mentioned this somewhere: there is a function that can pass the execution of a function to the CtrlSrv task. Its address in m100 100a is 0xE033F5E8.
Prototype is something like
void exec_via_ctrlsrv(void *func, int arg)
In this case, SetCurrentCaptureModeType only has a single argument, so it can be used without a wrapper.

Re: EOS M100 porting
« Reply #7 on: 11 / February / 2020, 09:29:15 »
Hello here !

Any news regarding the porting of CHDK toward m100 ? :)

Re: EOS M100 porting
« Reply #8 on: 06 / June / 2020, 04:07:07 »
Hello here !

Any news regarding the porting of CHDK toward m100 ? :)

I believe that would be nothing... :(


Offline c_joerg

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Re: EOS M100 porting
« Reply #9 on: 04 / September / 2020, 04:37:47 »
Is a funcs_by_name.csv available for the M100?
M100 100a, M3 121a, G9x II (1.00c), 2*G1x (101a,100e), S110 (103a), SX50 (100c), SX230 (101a), S45,
Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/136329431@N06/albums
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrTH0tHy9OYTVDzWIvXEMlw/videos?shelf_id=0&view=0&sort=dd


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