I see. One thing I don't quite understand is (I'm very new, so please bear with me). When using `multicam`, the following gives an error "not connected":
Is it because, in the first example, the camera is connected via the `mc` package whereas the second via `cli`?
Pretty much. If you want to shoot with multicam, you should use !mc:shoot().
The normal CLI only has a single connection, which is in the global variable con.
Multicam keeps a list of connections in mc.cams, which is not normally connected to the CLI con.
You can actually set CLI con to point at one of the multicam connections, like
!con = mc.cams[1]
but many CLI commands will fail if the multicam camera side script (that you start with mc:start()) is running. So if you want to use regular CLI commands on a single camera in your multicam rig, you should normally use something like
!con = mc:find_id(... id of camera you want to work on ...)
... do your CLI stuff here ...