I'm playing around with an idea that requires my Lua script to always be active, ie running in the background.One thought was to run the script in an 'infinite' loop. But this means only this script will run.Does anyone know if there is another way of achieving my objective?
Thus all I’m doing is taking the focus position and the aperture, doing my own calculations and reporting these, continuously.
This may work for what you have in mind but, as reyalp has repeatedly reminded me, much of the script's behaviour and other side effects on normal camera operation are indeterminate. Bad things could happen, up to and including bricking your camera or damaging the mechanical parts.
void gui_script_draw(){ extern void gui_chdk_draw(); gui_chdk_draw(); if (camera_info.state.mode_rec || camera_info.state.mode_play) { static int show_md_grid=0; if (camera_info.state.state_kbd_script_run) show_md_grid=5; if (show_md_grid) { --show_md_grid; libmotiondetect->md_draw_grid(); } }}// GUI handler for Script modegui_handler scriptGuiHandler = { GUI_MODE_SCRIPT, gui_script_draw, gui_script_kbd_process, 0, 0, 0 };static gui_handler *old_gui_handler = 0;//-------------------------------------------------------------------
core/script.c /line 192++ Maybe here´s some space between the lines for something like an ...
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