@waterwingz @reyalp Thanks for the info.
Have made progress today and will post new script soon.
For this version I've decided to exploit the console approach, rather than screen printing/drawing.
I've tested the script on my G1X and G7X and it works well.
The script, called DOFIC, Depth Of Field Info CHDK, is a focus aid for landscape photography etc. it augments the standard CHDK dof info,
It tells you the infinity defocus blur, the diffraction blur, the quadrature total of these, the number of brackets needed for focus stacking, where you are relative to the hyperfocal and whether you have a focus gap or overlap relative to the last image taken.
It provides all the above info in a very compact form, eg (but not real numbers)
3>H: 32/9/33 [=]
The above meaning that you will need to take about 3 images from your current position to focus bracket to the hyperfocal, the current position is giving you a defocus blur at infinity of 32 microns, the diffraction blur is 9 microns, the total is 33 microns and, relative to the last image taken, we are at the same focus as the last image taken.
Once you have reached the hyperfocal, you then continue to use DOFIC to provide you the focus info to nail your infinity blur.
When I publish the script I'll also write up the workflow I use.