@reyalp I you do have a minute, maybe you could clarify a few things to do with propcase.
I believe although you can read the propcases, you may not be able to write to all of them.
The code I'm playing with looks like this:
if is_key("up") then
local g = get_prop(props.TIMER_SHOTS)
g = g + 1
elseif is_key("down") then
local g = get_prop(props.TIMER_SHOTS)
g = g - 1
That is I'm seeing if my script can change the customer timer. Which doesn't seem to work at the moment.
When I read about propcase usage, it's not clear if I use it as above or not, ie g = get_prop(props.TIMER_SHOTS) vs get_prop(props.TIMER_SHOTS,g), or set_prop(props.TIMER_SHOTS,g) vs set_prop(props.TIMER_SHOTS) = g
Also, if one is able to set a propcase and that propcase is outside the Canon range, I assume that is bad