It appears to have helped - but not resolved the problem. What I see now on the screen is a graph on which is overwritten "Start recording", alternating with a box that (very briefly) appears with DISP ZOOM MENU written in it. Looks promising - except that when I push the shutter button, there's still no response from the camera...
So the "graph" is probably something like the CHDK Histogram function which you have somehow enabled. If you go to the
CHDK Settings menu, the last option on the menu is
Reset Options to Default. Use that.
The somewhat cryptic "Start recording" message and other text you see means that the script has tried to initiate a video recording. That's a good thing. Pressing the shutter button at that point (or any point) causes the script to stop. Don't do that.
The script is somewhat old and unsophisticated. Testing on my S100, you apparently need to put the camera into shooting mode (lens extented) prior to entering CHDK
<ALT> mode and starting the script. Did you do that ? I think I fixed that in my versions of the script so the shooting mode does not matter but one step at a time here.
(Thanks also for suggesting I avoid the Firmware Update approach. In fact, it's what I'm using right now because of a problem getting the Bootable Card trick to work. But since that seems like probably a separate, and secondary, issue, I thought I'd save any questions for another time.)
Standard advice at this point - given hundreds of times - is to check out this wikia page
Prepare Your SD Card and the use the
CHIMP utilities linked here and at the top of that page.
Edit :
I did have the full (5414) version installed, but I replaced it anyway with the current (5457) version before trying waterwingz' script again.
The CHDK version does not matter here. And the script belongs to
@msl - I just documented it and later did a few minor enhancements.