DOFIZ script: Depth Of Field Info with Exposure Bracketing - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum

DOFIZ script: Depth Of Field Info with Exposure Bracketing

  • 2 Replies
DOFIZ script: Depth Of Field Info with Exposure Bracketing
« on: 30 / January / 2020, 15:40:43 »
I've just released a new script that some may find interesting or of value.

As usual, many thanks to the developers, especially @reyalp  for supporting me during the script's development.

You can get the script from the scripts page, where there is a full description of what it does:

Re: DOFIZ script: Depth Of Field Info with Exposure Bracketing
« Reply #1 on: 01 / February / 2020, 09:29:05 »
A minor update, but a useful one.

DOFIZ now provides you feedback on the number of images set in the Customer timer, which DOFIZ uses when exposure bracketing.

If you do not see the number of images displayed, ie when in Alt mode, then either your camera doesn't support this or custom timer is not switched on.

You can now check if the Canon side needs changing, eg for ISO bracketing the Canon side should be set to 2 images.

Note: you need to add the following into the lualib for propset4, as it is currently missing:

Code: [Select]
TIMER_SHOTS=378,        -- Number of shots for TIMER_MODE=Custom
As usual, the latest version of DOFIZ can be downloaded from the Scripts page or from
« Last Edit: 01 / February / 2020, 10:16:36 by pigeonhill »

Re: DOFIZ script: Depth Of Field Info with Exposure Bracketing
« Reply #2 on: 05 / February / 2020, 17:06:43 »
I'm pleased to release a new feature in DOFIZ.

In addition to helping manually focus bracket, the latest version has a semi-auto focus bracketing feature.

I call it semi auto as its functionality sits between using the DOFIZ focus feedback to manually focus bracket and, say, using my fully auto focus bracketing script:

You can access this feature by toggling to it in Alt mode.

Once set, you must also set the Canon custom timer to 2 shots, with any delay you wish; and be in MF mode.

Then focus on the nearest object of interest. Assuming you are focusing at less than half the hyperfocal, DOFIZ will tell you the focus step it will take in a two bracket focus sub-set, ie an image at the current location and one at the step distance. The step distance is calculated to ensure the first image's far DoF is equal to the second image's near depth of field. DOFIZ also positions focus at the step distance beyond the second image's point of focus, which is less that the second image's far depth of field. Thus DOFIZ never creates focus gaps.

Here is a test image I just took on my G5X. Seven brackets, including a manually set infinity shot, ie beyond the hyperfocal. All I had to do is keep pushing my remote until the 2-image sub-brackets had covered the depth of field.

The usual caveat from me: I write my scripts for my own use, but share freely. I do welcome feedback, especially aimed at making DOFIZ better.

You can download DOFIZ from here:

I've also updated the scripts page:,_ISO_or_Focus_Bracketing


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