After failed to find solution, maybe it seems my canon A2200 doesn't want to be used for the photobooth 
This is a python package management or build environment problem, not a camera or CHDK problem. I'm not sure what the problem is, it seems like there should be a log with a more specific error somewhere.
I did not create and do not maintain it. However, I have successfully installed on a raspberry pi using the fork at
In my notes, I have this:
sudo apt-get install liblua5.2-dev python3-pip
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
python3 -m venv chdkptp_py
source chdkptp_py/bin/activate
pip install lupa --install-option='--no-luajit'
pip install
Note the above was for a non root user, and used venv to keep everything isolated. This shouldn't be required, it's just how I did it.
You will also need the normal prerequisite packages for building software and building chdkptp. Probably something along the lines of
apt-get install build-essential libusb-dev libreadline-dev
Also note that includes it's own (old) copy of chdkptp, it does not need, and will not use the chdkptp package you installed from the official site.
Thanks i succeed to install it, but now i get an error when i try to import it:
i tried
import chdkptp :does'nt work,
I tried to change my python command startup :
python by python3 still get the error:
File "", line 7, in <module>
import chdkptp_py
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'chdkptp'
I tried to find how to import it there: : nothing, but i found here:
Now you can use chdkptp simply running:
>>> import chdkptp
>>> chdkptp.list_devices()
NOTE: if you installed the package and you are inside the repo dir and try to import chdkptp, it will probably throw an error because python is loading the local dir module not the installed one.
Maybe i get this last error when i try to import chdkptp ? How to say to pyhton to load the installed one ?
Many thanks for your helps!!
Edit: I tried too wihtout used venv , i get the same error when i try to import chdkptp