Hello all,I'm trying to use my G15 as a webcam; it has a HDMI output that only works in Play mode, not in pointing or recording. Is there a _hardware_ restriction that would make it impossible?
void doThingsIfArg=0OtherwiseTurnOffDisplay(undefined4 param_1){ switch(param_1) { case 0: default:switchD_ff167a48_caseD_a: Unclear1(param_1); FUN_ff05747c(); return; case 1: break; case 2: break; case 3: goto switchD_ff167a48_caseD_a; case 4: goto switchD_ff167a48_caseD_a; case 5: goto switchD_ff167a48_caseD_a; case 6: break; case 7: break; case 8: break; case 9: } turnOffDisplayInternal(); Unclear1(param_1); return;}
print (string.format ("before: %x", peek(0xff0a4aa8))) if not poke (0xff0a4aa8, 0x00, 1) then print ("poke failed.") end print (string.format ("after: %x", peek(0xff0a4aa8))) call_func_ptr (0xff0a4aa8)
Super interesting, cheers buddy. The function called by DispCon_SetDisplayType on G15 is:Code: [Select]void doThingsIfArg=0OtherwiseTurnOffDisplay(undefined4 param_1){ switch(param_1) { case 0: default:switchD_ff167a48_caseD_a: Unclear1(param_1); FUN_ff05747c(); return; case 1: break; case 2: break; case 3: goto switchD_ff167a48_caseD_a; case 4: goto switchD_ff167a48_caseD_a; case 5: goto switchD_ff167a48_caseD_a; case 6: break; case 7: break; case 8: break; case 9: } turnOffDisplayInternal(); Unclear1(param_1); return;}(Sorry for my poor naming convention.) As far as I can see, calling this function with any value makes the camera crash. I'll keep investigating!
EDIT: As a newbie question, is the code in memory write-protected? I can't seem to be able to poke() it. I have, say:
My goal with the poking was to identify the role of some calls within a lengthy function X — basically, shotgun debugging. Is there a (well established) way to do this, maybe by duplicating function X in CHDK (somewhere), and modifying it there?
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