Quote from: Caefix on 26 / December / 2021, 10:09:35Edit: 294 is i-contrast auto =1 else 0...
Edit: 294 is i-contrast auto =1 else 0...
#define PROPCASE_ICONTRAST // 0=off, 1=auto //
#define PROPCASE_TV2 265 // (philmoz, May 2011) - this value causes overrides to be saved in JPEG and shown on Canon OSD
Could also be added... Code: [Select]#define PROPCASE_ICONTRAST // 0=off, 1=auto // PS2=290, PS3=294, PS4=296, PS6=295, N/A= 9,12,ILC?PS5=318 (0,1,200,400), & 319 (0=off,200%,400%, 1=auto)
Edit2: Set PS5(298) to -1, now is stable 65535, like PS3, nice for chaining scripts...
// viewport.hextern int shooting_get_prop(int id);// histogram.cint var;... var=shooting_get_prop(298); // if (var==0) var=1;
@title propcase 298@chdk_version 1.4@param p Propcase (Debug=298) @default p 298 @range p 0 1000@param q Param @default q 0 @range q -1 0x7FFFprint "PS";get_propset(),"PC:";p,"=",get_prop(p)set_prop p qsleep 300print q,"?=",get_prop(p)end
PROPSET number has been added to camera_info.csv in the trunk version.In case it is of any use ...
#define PROPCASE_DIGITAL_ZOOM_STATE 94 //G10 Digital Zoom Mode// &&#define PROPCASE_ASPECT_RATIO 294
QuoteIn case it is of any use ... It is...Code: [Select]#define PROPCASE_DIGITAL_ZOOM_STATE 94 //G10 Digital Zoom Mode// &&#define PROPCASE_ASPECT_RATIO 294seems wrong on Propset2 (Ix870)Ps2 : 94 : Wide=0, 1 else
In case it is of any use ...
... Could be Ixus1000 porting thread, too...
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