Remote Continuous - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum

Remote Continuous

  • 5 Replies
Remote Continuous
« on: 11 / December / 2007, 15:54:57 »
Hi! I don't know very much about it might look a bit stupid to you, but
would it be possible to make a script that would allow continuous shooting with remote control?
For instance, as long as the remote button would be pushed down, the camera would make a burst.

(moderated edit: Added "Lamp" message icon for easier finding later of useful working scripts.)
« Last Edit: 12 / December / 2007, 16:52:13 by Woodsman »


Offline Kalli

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  • A620, SX10 IS
Re: Remote Continuous
« Reply #1 on: 11 / December / 2007, 18:29:43 »
Hi! I don't know very much about it might look a bit stupid to you, but
would it be possible to make a script that would allow continuous shooting with remote control?
For instance, as long as the remote button would be pushed down, the camera would make a burst.

I never used remote shooting but continous mode can be programed:

set_prop 6 1     this turns the A620 to shoot continously in manual modes.
set_prop 6 2     this turns the A620 to shoot continously self-timer in manual modes with preselected no. of shots

(continous self-timer might also be very useful for bracketing ie. for HDR series with a preselected no. of shots, just set the delay to 0)

« Last Edit: 11 / December / 2007, 18:41:44 by Kalli »

Re: Remote Continuous
« Reply #2 on: 11 / December / 2007, 19:55:02 »
Yes, Barney, that was my idea. I want to set everything manually. All what I need is a script that would enable to use continuous shooting at the same time as the remote. What would be way cool, is that a first press on the remote button would "begin" the burst, and a second one would stop it. Thanks for caring :xmas


Offline Kalli

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Re: Remote Continuous
« Reply #3 on: 11 / December / 2007, 19:59:47 »
Set_prop 6 x won't have any effect....

Sorry, you are right :-X I found out that I was still in the continous mode when I tested it... shame on me! :-[

Re: Remote Continuous
« Reply #4 on: 12 / December / 2007, 10:45:45 »
Aaaah! After hours trying and trying again, I finally got what I wanted!!
It may look simple to you but it wasn't for me! :P
I post the script for info! Thanks, anyway!

@title RemoteBurst

until is_key "remote"
goto "burst"
   press "shoot_half"   
   press "shoot_full"
   until is_key "remote"
   release "shoot_full"
   sleep 100
   release "shoot_half"
goto "loop"

Re: Remote Continuous
« Reply #5 on: 18 / April / 2008, 05:29:55 »
Will that script work for the A570 IS? if it is a script for the  DiGiC III then I would say yes!  And right on A630 for coming up with that.
« Last Edit: 18 / April / 2008, 05:55:20 by photoscott »


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